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Book Review: Convergence and Resilience, by Etta Pierce

I received a special combined edition of Convergence and Resilience by Etta Pierce in a Renegade Romance book box.


Olivia Loxley was a profiler working with the Los Angeles Police Department. Until her specialty in profiling the human mind becomes of unique interest to Commander Atarian, that is. When she wakes up in a cell on an alien spacecraft, the alien responsible for her abduction asks for her help in the largest raid he’s ever overseen: a pleasure cruiser christened the Paramour, which has been siphoning humans into galactic sex trafficking for months.

But in order for his mission to go off without a hitch, Atarian needs to impersonate a connoisseur of human flesh. The real question is, will either of them be able to keep up professional boundaries? Or will they bow to their primal instincts?

my review

Honestly, the premise of this is pretty weak. An alien kidnaps a woman to teach him how to pretend to buy trafficked humans to bust a trafficking ring. The idea is that the victims are human, so she can teach him how. But even a moment of thought makes it obvious that he needs to learn how to be an alien sleaze ball (alien behaviors, alien preferences, alien pricing metrics, etc), not a human one. So, she would be of no use to him. And really despite Pierce convergence photopretending she is, Olivia provides very little of note or use.

So, accept early on that this story takes a lot of suspencion of disbelief. Olivia profiles aliens she’s never seen before as easily as humans, and it belies belief. Just get past it. But beyond that, I enjoyed the story. I liked the characters (Vin especially); the world is interesting, and the writing is easily readable. It’s pretty low spice and wraps up nicely enough to feel complete, even if there are some threads left open for the rest of the books.

Other Reviews:

Red Haired Ash Reads: Etta Perce Books

Review: Convergence – Etta Pierce


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