Oh, you did? Did you know that it is apparently 200 blogs? Oh, you knew that too did you? Well, aren’t you just the smarty pants of the family. I didn’t know. I’m sure the terms and conditions dutifully informed me of this fact, probably even required me to check a box stating that I had read and understand this and other important points. But I still didn’t know.
This is a problem for me. I’m fairly indiscriminate in who I follow. If a blog looks remotely interesting I quickly follow it. Otherwise I’m certain I’d never be able to find it again. So it isn’t surprising that I’ve just discovered Networked Blog’s follow limit by slamming head on into it.
There is a solution for me though. Many of the lovely blogs I frequent use both Networked Blog and Linky. So I’m making an effort to unfollow people on Networked Blog and follow them on Linky instead. So what, you ask. Well, if you find your N.B. number falling by one it may be that I’ve unfollowed you. This isn’t personal and I’ve almost certainly upped your Linky followers by one. But I’m letting everyone know all the same.
How strange that is – perhaps ‘following’ takes up space on some hard drive somewhere.