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Book Review: Jane and the Monster, by Sophia Smut

After seeing Sophia Smut‘s Jane and the Monster on TikTok, I picked up an Amazon freebie copy.

jane and the monster cover

Jane has always heard stories about giant monsters residing at the top of the Mount Moorhead. Any woman who dares trespass would disappear, becoming captive to the villainous creatures and never to be seen again. But instead of fear, Jane has always harbored fantasies of encountering a monster at the top of the mountain…

So one day, she puts on her hiking shoes and treks her way up, only to lose her way a few hours in. After she panics and passes out, regretting her crazy idea to venture out of her comfort zone, she wakes up to find herself chained to a bed in a cavernous room, an odd sensation between her legs… and a giant monster from her fantasy tales with enormous arms, a tail, and two horns.

Maybe fantasy and reality are not quite the same. Or maybe they are…

my review

Geez, I was totally pulled in by that great cover. This book is simply bad. It’s only January, but I’m fairly sure this will be on my short list of worst books of 2024. No one is likable. No one’s character is developed enough to be interesting or invested in. The heroine thinks about her ex-boyfriend for the whole book, but notably right in the middle of other scenes such that everything stalls. The sex scenes are bland, there are several consistency issues, the writing is amateurish, and the whole thing ends on a cliffhanger.

Honestly, I secretly suspect that Sophie Smut is actually a man with a female pen name or a woman who has so internalized the male pornographic gaze that she honestly thinks a moneyshot is the height of erotica. There is no emotion or feeling to any of them. I will not be reading anymore.

Jane and the monster photo

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