Tag Archives: Harper Voyager

What I read on my Yellowstone vacation

This will be exactly as the title suggests. I’ve just returned from a two week road trip and I read a dozen books during that time. But since I didn’t take a computer, none of them got reviewed. Below you’ll find a recap. The reviews are on the shorter side, the unfortunate side effect of trying to remember the details of twelve books. But here we go all the same.

Whiskey Witches

So, this was really bad. The editing gets progressively worse as the book goes along. At 90% characters are still being introduced and several previously introduced characters simply appear and disappear throughout the book. But mostly it’s totally unfocused and unanchored. It leaps around erratically.

I feel like Blooding wanted to write a TV show. Because maybe MAYBE some of it would have worked with visual aides. For example, at one point the narrator is talking about Jessie and I’m like, “Who is this person?” If it was television, the scene would have focused on the car (Jessie), making it obvious that this was Jessie. But in text…nope, totally didn’t work and there are just dozens of situations like that.

Further, the whole plot doesn’t hang together. The idea that demons are actually not evil, but trying to get humans to be self-responsible is an interesting one. Unfortunately, the book harps on and on about this, but all the demons are actually chaos inducing, evil entities, totally contradicting what we’re supposed to believe.

I admit I’ve read worse. But finishing this was simply an act of will. I wanted badly to DNF it. And that’s without addressing the fact that it’s actually a serial, so don’t expect any kind of actual ending.

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet

Another reviewer referred to this as a book about a road trip in spaceand that’s the perfect description. (Wish I’d thought of it.) Like a road trip, the goal is to get from one point to another, with stops along the way and the occasional event. That’s this book all over.

And I’ll grant that most of those stops and events weren’t exciting. There wasn’t actually much tension anywhere the book. But I liked it all the same. Because I don’t think tension was the point. There is a huge amount of diversity presented in The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, with humans being the bumbling newcomers. Seeing the cast consider and accept their differences, cultural and physiological, was lovely. There’s a nice little f/f romance in the background, several philosophical quandaries navigated and it all wraps up nicely.

All in all, regardless of the reasons, I just liked it. But I can totally see it not being for everyone. Boredom could be a very real possibility for those looking for action.

Ross Poldark

I’ve never actually seen the show. Wouldn’t have even known it was a show if it didn’t say so on the cover. So, I went in with no expectations and I was neither disappointed nor exalted. I liked the writing and Poldark was an interesting character, but I was also a tad bored with all the drama. I rather expect this might be one of those series that gets better as it goes on, once you know everyone. It feels like it would be. But as it was, I found this one an ok read, nothing more or less.

Ancient Magic

This wasn’t bad, per se. It was just simple. The love interests meet, there is instant attraction, they go on a mission, 1,2, 3 everything is accomplished and, ta-da, it’s done. As an example (and this is a tad spoilerish, but it’s not an important scene), the two need some information from some people on an island. They go there, show up as the island is being attacked, save the day, get their answers (because they’re trustworthy, since they saved the island) and leave again. Now, how convenient is that? The whole book is like that. Too one dimensional to be much more than entertaining. It is entertaining. I don’t regret reading it. But I’ll have forgotten it by the end of the week. In fact, I initially left it off this list because I’d already forgotten I read it.

The Grand Sophy

It seems like people have been telling me to read Heyer forever and <I>The Grand Sophy</I> was finally my first. To my own utter surprise I truly enjoyed it. As others have mentioned, there’s some stereotypical racism which is hard to excuse, even by saying it was written in the 1950s and is set in Regency times. But beyond that I enjoyed Sophy’s machinations. Of course, nothing would work out as perfectly in real life, but I’ll suspend my disbelief lang enough to believe she really kept all those strings untangled and created the best for everyone involved. And you do see the end coming a mile away. But it’s still lovely. I am side-eyeing the first cousin romance though. Just saying.

From Scratch

I’m sure I read the blurb when I picked this book up, but I didn’t before I decided to read it (months later). So, I didn’t go in expecting a ménage à trois. But I was quite happy with it in the end. (Except that I read it on a road trip, in the car with my in-laws, just hoping my mother-in-law wouldn’t read over my shoulder at any point.)

What I did remember about the recommendations I’d heard for this book is that the editing wasn’t quite up to snuff, even if the story is a good one. And honestly, that’s exactly what I’d say too. The editing isn’t horrible, but I noticed a couple hiccups, but they were quite easy to overlook for the experience of the story.

Yes, it’s all a little too instant and easy, Mary undergoes some sort of magic personality transformation when she moved to Seaport apparently, and somehow two bi-sexual men (attracted to one another) are supposed to have miraculously never quite noticed in their 20 years of acquaintance. So, maybe not super realistic, but sexy and ultra sweet (without be saccharine), which I’ll take.


Well, this wasn’t bad. But it wasn’t anything to write home about either. Mechanically the writing is fine and I actually liked both of the characters. (Plus, I really appreciated seeing black characters lead a PNR. It’s too rare.) But everything happened a little too fast and there was just a little too much back and forwards, will I-won’t I, yes/no, etc. for me. And it could do with a little more editing to catch things like, “She sat down on a rock and balled.”

On a side note, I didn’t realize that this was book two in a series when I read it. I had no problem picking it up and diving right in. It stands alone just fine.

Behind These Doors

This was really quite lovely. I wasn’t actually surprised to love it, as I’d read the prequel Gutter Roses and truly enjoyed it. It was fun to see Ben and Cath pop up on occasion, but they’re not the main characters here. That would be Lucien and Aubrey, two men from different worlds. Two men who couldn’t be sweeter. They were adorable.

I do think that this is one of those books that I love the idea of, finish with a deep sigh and heartfelt “awww,” so long as I don’t think too deeply about the logistics. Because, while a lot of the book is exploring polyamory in Edwardian times and it’s beyond endearing to hear about Lucien and his lovers, I finished it still feeling a bit like, “So, how’s that going to work then?” A little suspension of disbelief is in order. (Though I’m sure there have been people who made it work in reality and it might feel just as shakey if written down. Truth can be stranger than fiction—though maybe less directly dissected. We hardly invented multiple lovers in modern times.)

I’d forgotten (from when I read Gutter Roses) that Ben was bi-racial. But I was happy to be reminded and see Lucens slip other diversity into the book. Lucens has found a place on my to-read-again list, that’s for sure.

Make ’em Laugh

I actually read this by accident, having opened it thinking it was another book. By the time I realized my mistake, I decided to just keep on going. In the end, it was a providential mistake. I’ll be honest, with that cover it’s unlikely I’d have given it much of a chance. But it was a sweet little romance. There’s not a lot of tension. It’s just two men learning to be together, but I enjoyed it.

There were several instance in which the writing got a little odd. Mostly phrases that work in dialogue, where characters can had personal speech characteristics, but not so much in narrative, like “it was gone midnight” or “She leant against the counter.” It could do with a tad more editing in general. All-in-all, however, I wouldn’t dissuade anyone from reading it.


Meh, it was ok. The first half kept me pretty interested, but once the twist was disclosed I pretty much lost interest. I didn’t actually understand what killing a kid over and over again was supposed to accomplish, given the eventual goal, and how exactly this was accomplished was waved away entirely. It’s simply not addressed. But the writing and editing were fine. Others will likely love the book. I found it possibly entertaining.

All the Crooked Saints

I loved this. In the beginning, I wasn’t sure I would. It took me a little while to fall into the flow and pacing of the book. But by the end, I just set the Kindle down and sighed happily. I adored the characters and Stiefvater is the sort of author who can turn a phrase just right.

Prince in Leather

Mechanically the writing in this book is fine. However, I really disliked it. It was full of quotes like this, “She didn’t want to give in to the six-foot-whatever pain in her ass, but ceding bits of her control to him felt so easy. So…natural.” Now, that’s not a generalizable quote. That comes from a sex scene and directly equates having sex with the male lead with accepting their relationship and therefore “ceding control” to him…in general, not just in the bedroom. Then random BDSM tropes were thrown in, but not discussed, such that it was inferred him having such control was normal and natural because all women always apparently want to give up their control to a man. So, there’s no reason to discuss kinks or anything.

Then a random three-some was thrown in (for their first time together) and it’s framed like this: “If he were less kind, he’d make you his plaything,” Thom said. “You may bear the title of wife, but he doesn’t have to treat you like one. He chooses to because he wants you. Do you understand?” Nothing, I repeat, nothing about that is sexy to me. This is the sort of gendered BS that makes me avoid M/F romance for large chunks of time!

I did appreciate the black heroine. You don’t see that often enough. And again, the writing is mechanically fine. But unless you’re particular kink is seeing women subjugated, I wouldn’t recommend this book.

An Excess Male

Book Review of An Excess Male, by Maggie Shen King

I borrowed a copy of Maggie Shen King‘s An Excess Male from my local library.

Description from Goodreads:
Under the One Child Policy, everyone plotted to have a son. Now 40 million of them can’t find wives. China’s One Child Policy and its cultural preference for male heirs have created a society overrun by 40 million unmarriageable men. By the year 2030, more than twenty-five percent of men in their late thirties will not have a family of their own.

An Excess Male is one such leftover man’s quest for love and family under a State that seeks to glorify its past mistakes and impose order through authoritarian measures, reinvigorated Communist ideals, and social engineering. Wei-guo holds fast to the belief that as long as he continues to improve himself, his small business, and in turn, his country, his chance at love will come. He finally saves up the dowry required to enter matchmaking talks at the lowest rung as a third husband—the maximum allowed by law. Only a single family—one harboring an illegal spouse—shows interest, yet with May-ling and her two husbands, Wei-guo feels seen, heard, and connected to like never before. But everyone and everything—walls, streetlights, garbage cans—are listening, and men, excess or not, are dispensable to the State. Wei-guo must reach a new understanding of patriotism and test the limits of his love and his resolve in order to save himself and this family he has come to hold dear.

Spoilery Review:
I wavered between a four and five star on this book. It isn’t easy to read at times and my first words on finishing the book were a wail of, “XXX doesn’t get his happy ending.” It’s almost worse than that honestly, because a gay man in a family is replaced by a straight man and the family is functionally improved. It is definitely only the straight characters who get their simple happy ending, and that very much bothered me. But the more I thought about it, the more I decided that I think there are more layers to it than just that.

Yes, if I took the very Scarlet O’hara-like everything will be better tomorrow passage at the end to just be a glib wrap up, then this book would fall in my estimation. Instead, however, I choose to read it to suggest that XXX is actually working with a person he could have a discreet, mutually meaningful relationship with, to bring about real social change in society that will enable him to openly rejoin his family. And this I see as a happy, if delayed ending. It’s certainly the happiest ending the book could allow in the society as presented. I think it’s important to remember that, despite involving love and family, this is not a romance novel. Tragic? Yes. But also hopeful.

A book isn’t just it’s ending, of course, and I found this one to also have a believable example of an autistic adult, poly relationships, positively represented gay men (there are mysteriously no lesbians or bisexuals, though you’d think the the latter would be ideal in such a society), beautiful writing and complex emotions. Also, I thought all the different types of love shown were wonderful. Though love was also demonstrated to be brittle and painful when not similarly reciprocated, no matter how hard the characters tried. And they REALLY tried.

All in all, An Excess Male made me think and feel and I truly enjoyed it.

The Prey of Gods

Book Review of The Prey of Gods, by Nicky Drayden

I borrowed Nicky Drayden‘s The Prey of Gods through my local library.

Description from Goodreads:
In South Africa, the future looks promising. Personal robots are making life easier for the working class. The government is harnessing renewable energy to provide infrastructure for the poor. And in the bustling coastal town of Port Elizabeth, the economy is booming thanks to the genetic engineering industry which has found a welcome home there. Yes—the days to come are looking very good for South Africans. That is, if they can survive the present challenges:

A new hallucinogenic drug sweeping the country . . .
An emerging AI uprising . . .
And an ancient demigoddess hellbent on regaining her former status by preying on the blood and sweat (but mostly blood) of every human she encounters.

It’s up to a young Zulu girl powerful enough to destroy her entire township, a queer teen plagued with the ability to control minds, a pop diva with serious daddy issues, and a politician with even more serious mommy issues to band together to ensure there’s a future left to worry about.

This book and I had a really strange time together. I liked it. I thought the characters were interesting and diverse. I liked the plot. I liked the humor and the writing. But…BUT, I felt like the book was five billion pages long. I joked that it must be growing pages as I read and I felt like I would never finish it. It seemed to drag in the middle, having a great start and exciting ending.

I’d read more by Nicky Drayden and I can objectively say this was a good book. but I also have to admit I’m just plain happy to be done with it.