Tag Archives: Salem Cross

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Book Review: Ghostly Touches, by Salem Cross

I picked up a copy of Salem’s CrossGhostly Touches as a freebie last year.

Ghostly Touches cover

They came to me in the dead of night.

I should be used to ghosts, I’m a necromancer after all. But the three men who show up at my house aren’t the spiritual beings I’m used to. These Ghosts are part of a brotherhood so secret that they were thought to be a myth.

When they ask for my help, I leap at the opportunity to aid these warriors.

But none of us expected my help to come with a price tag. Now our souls are bound to one another and unfortunately, being this close to each other secrets are starting to slip out. I can’t afford to have anyone know who, or what, I really am, but with a curse hanging over our heads and with someone suddenly after us we’ll have to stick close if we want to survive. With the Ghosts looking out for me, I should be safe… right?

my review

Despite a notable lack of worldbuilding, this was an ok read. I liked Willow a lot and liked that she was the initiator in the sexual scenes, and there was no shaming for that. The plot was interesting enough that I wasn’t bored, and the writing was readable. I would probably read the next one in the series if I could find it free or get it at the library, except for one very big problem. I only liked one of the four men in the harem. A second I could tolerate. I disliked the other two from beginning to end. Yes, I know authors have to leave room for characters to grow. But they didn’t grow enough in this book for me to be in a rush to pick up the next one so I could spend more time with them. I finished this book legitimately more interested in the Reaper Willow never actually spoke to in the book than any of the love interests.

Side note: One doesn’t narrow their pupils when they glare at someone.

ghostly touches photo

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