Tag Archives: sci-fi romance

his human assistant banner

Book Review: His Human Assistant, by Michele Mills

I picked up a copy of Michele MillsHis Human Assistant as an Amazon freebie a while back.

his human assistant cover

I’m a corporate whistleblower running for my life, so I take the first job I can find off planet.

Now I’m a lowly assistant for some rich devil named Hannibal Hellstone? And when I say “devil,” I mean DEVIL. As in this guy’s skin is dark red, he has shiny black horns, sharp fangs, silver-tipped claws and a barbed tail. This Hyrrokin is scary AF and his eight-year-old son looks just like him. And, he has a sharp-toothed, three-headed, fire-breathing “dog” at his side.


I’m supposed to live with my new boss?

I don’t know anything about kids. And I don’t like pets. But, jeez, this guy is hawt. And his kid is sweet too. My heart cracks open for them—and their “dog.”

Hannibal starts throwing heated glances my way. But if this honorable soldier knew the real me, the girl with the checkered past, would he still want me? Oh well, it’s not like this is going to get serious—he’s told everyone he’s never, ever, going to marry anyone ever again.

This is good, right?

That’s what I want too…right?

my review

Honestly, I was just bored by this. I appreciated the plus-sized, smart, capable heroine who takes the lead in the end, but the writing is prosaic and repetitive. (And there are some strange word choices… *cough* teats?!). The plot is bland and uninteresting, and the romance is sub-par.

Mostly, however, the characters don’t get to know one another (or not in a manner that the reader feels). So, what he seems to fall in love with is her body and all the ways she can be of service to him (his business, his son, and his dog), which is just ick, in my opinion. I don’t even know what she is supposed to have fallen in love with.

I have too many other books to read to bother with the rest of this series (even though I think I own some).

His Human Assistant Photo

Other Reviews:

when darkness falls banner

Book Review: When Darkness Falls, by Marian Pattechat

I picked up a copy of When Darkness Falls, by Marian Pattechat as an Amazon freebie.

When Darkness Falls cover

Miya plans a break from work, but first she has to survive her latest piloting job. Which is sure to kill her… unless she breaks the hot alien prisoner out of the cargo hold.

Miya was supposed to be enjoying a well-deserved holiday on a sunny resort planet. But instead of sipping alien cocktails in her new bikini, she is stuck in her pilot seat transporting some edgy soldiers and their mysterious cargo to a backwater system.

The fact that said cargo is a guy with looks that set her heart racing and a voice that gives her tingles in all the right places is no consolation. Maybe because the sexy alien is a prisoner so dangerous they keep him caged, cuffed, and under guard. Or perhaps because he keeps claiming everyone is going to die unless Miya sets him free.

Yeah, sure. Like she would fall for that. This is going to be one boring, uneventful space trip on her perfectly safe ship… Right?

my review

First off, that cover is a travesty. Just saying.
This was cute. It’s kind of alien insta-love meets Riddick. The H and h run around surviving whatever randomness pops up, finally have an evening together to consummate their love, then a happily ever after in the form of an epilogue. It’s not overly spicy. There’s some humor here and there. And the writing is pretty good. I’d read another Pattechat book.

when darkness falls photo

dark planet warriors banner

Book Review: Dark Planet Warriors, by Anna Carven

I picked up a copy of Anna Carven‘s Dark Planet Warriors as an Amazon freebie last year.

dark planet warriors cover


Some scary looking aliens have just boarded Fortuna Tau, our little asteroid mining station. Kordolians, by the looks of things. What the hell do they want with this floating rust bucket? What are they even doing here?

Come to think of it, I’ve never seen a Kordolian up close before. They’re huge and intimidating, with strange silver skin and pointed ears. They have freaky nano-armor, and they’re packing a serious arsenal. We stand no chance against them.

When I encounter their General, I find him insufferable. Arrogant. Domineering. He won’t tell me anything. I guess that’s what happens when your race is kicking ass across the Nine Galaxies. You get pigheaded.

So why do I keep running into him? Why does he keep looking at me like that? And what’s with this weird feeling I get when he’s around?


Sucked into a wormhole during a fierce skirmish with an enemy ship. Spat out near a human mining station in a remote corner of the Nine Galaxies. Stuck with weak humans who operate with inferior metals and technology.

This mission couldn’t get any worse.

We need to fix our craft, kill the cursed Xargek, and get out of here before the wormhole collapses. I don’t really care about these humans. Their existence makes no sense to me.

So why has this strange human female captured my attention? She’s messy, awkward, and she babbles nonsense half the time. These humans are crazy. I don’t understand them at all, especially this female. Why do I keep coming back to her?

I need to leave this place before I go insane.

my review

This started out well, but I’m afraid it wasn’t able to maintain momentum. My overall impression is ‘bland.’ Nothing about this—the characters, the plot, the world, the romance, the writing—stands out as interesting in any fashion. It’s not horrible, true, but I was bored, and the author just didn’t bring what could have been an interesting story to fruition.

Honestly, I can’t even tell you what the series’ true overarching plot is. Sure, we’ve got a little Mars-Needs-Women going on in there, a little Evil Empire, and a little super soldier on the side. But what is the series really about? No idea, even having finished the 1st book.

Lastly, there’s just a little residual ick here. We have the main military general of a galactic colonizing force as the male romantic lead. Take this out of space and place it in a more familiar setting, and one begins to see some truly horrifying parallels of who is being propped up as a worthy romantic hero.

Mostly, I was just bored, though.

dark planet warriors photo

Other Reviews:

Series Review (Dark Planet Warriors by Anna Carven)