Tag Archives: Blood Moon

Blood Moon challenge

Blood Moon(s) Reading Challenge

You know I often stumble into little self-imposed reading challenges. The habit started a couple years ago, when I discovered I had a number of books with the same title. Since then, done it again, read all my books with Omega in the title, and I’m currently slowly reading all the alphas.  I even did one where I had several books using the same stock photo on the cover and another where I just read books by people I’d met online. Sometimes it’s the little things that keep me amused. Plus, I have so many books, it’s often a relief to find some way to ease the what-to-read question.

Well, I started reading Blood Moons, last night. Then, as I had everything ordered roughly alphabetically, I noticed I had six books with almost identical titles. There is some variation, a plural moon or Blood Moon being in the series title versus a book title, but it’s enough. ‘Imma read em,’ I thought, and thus was born the Blood Moon Challenge.

Blood Moon challenge

Part of what makes a challenge a challenge for me, is  the intentionality of it. Declaring what I intend to do, so that I can accomplish it. You know, kind of like making a to-do list so that you can mark each item off. So, that’s what this first post is, my I-plan-to post. And I plan to read six books with Blood Moon(s) on the cover (that way I’m including both titles and series).

Here is a list of the books (most were free at the time of posting):

*Edit: There were initially 7 titles. But I found that, though I had one more marked as owned, I couldn’t actually find it. So, I removed it, leaving 6 for the challenge.