Tag Archives: book review

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Book Review: His Human Assistant, by Michele Mills

I picked up a copy of Michele MillsHis Human Assistant as an Amazon freebie a while back.

his human assistant cover

I’m a corporate whistleblower running for my life, so I take the first job I can find off planet.

Now I’m a lowly assistant for some rich devil named Hannibal Hellstone? And when I say “devil,” I mean DEVIL. As in this guy’s skin is dark red, he has shiny black horns, sharp fangs, silver-tipped claws and a barbed tail. This Hyrrokin is scary AF and his eight-year-old son looks just like him. And, he has a sharp-toothed, three-headed, fire-breathing “dog” at his side.


I’m supposed to live with my new boss?

I don’t know anything about kids. And I don’t like pets. But, jeez, this guy is hawt. And his kid is sweet too. My heart cracks open for them—and their “dog.”

Hannibal starts throwing heated glances my way. But if this honorable soldier knew the real me, the girl with the checkered past, would he still want me? Oh well, it’s not like this is going to get serious—he’s told everyone he’s never, ever, going to marry anyone ever again.

This is good, right?

That’s what I want too…right?

my review

Honestly, I was just bored by this. I appreciated the plus-sized, smart, capable heroine who takes the lead in the end, but the writing is prosaic and repetitive. (And there are some strange word choices… *cough* teats?!). The plot is bland and uninteresting, and the romance is sub-par.

Mostly, however, the characters don’t get to know one another (or not in a manner that the reader feels). So, what he seems to fall in love with is her body and all the ways she can be of service to him (his business, his son, and his dog), which is just ick, in my opinion. I don’t even know what she is supposed to have fallen in love with.

I have too many other books to read to bother with the rest of this series (even though I think I own some).

His Human Assistant Photo

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Book Review: Blood Feud, by Moira Kane

I picked up a copy of Moira Kane‘s Blood Feud as an Amazon freebie.
blood feud cover

Sophia is a bored and lonely princess, more content to live out her days locked away in her chambers than facing the increasingly grotesque suitors her father forces on her. With her younger brother destined for the throne, there isn’t much value to her but in a marriage alliance. And so, she is destined to live out her days as the trophy wife of some fat merchant or lecherous lord, occasionally bearing children to bolster the ranks of the wealthy and powerful.

But trouble is brewing in the crumbling streets of Calos. While the future king sits pretty on his throne and dines on fancy foods, there are whispers of rebellion among the poor and downtrodden people. At the same time a dragon has taken up residence in Calos Valley—the first in fifty years.

With no valiant hero like her famous grandfather, Saint George the dragon slayer, Sophia’s father turns to the old way to ward off the beast—a maiden sacrifice. What better choice than the daughter that threatens her brother’s reign?

Sophia is no trembling damsel, however, and the dragon is not at all who—or what—he appears to be.

my review

This was a book I kept seeing on TikTok until I finally gave in to the temptation to read it. But I have learned over time to approach such books with, at most, cautious optimism. The vast majority of books I come across through TikTok disappoint me in one manner or another. This, however, was a pleasant surprise.

It has a simple plot, a very straightforward romance, run-of-the-mill characters, a generic fantasy world, and pedestrian writing. But it was fun. I enjoyed the time I spent with it. And at the end of the day, that is more important to me (in the books I read for fun) than just about anything else. If you’re looking for excellence, this is not it. But if you just want a fluffy bit of fun, this is a good place to settle.

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married to the mahr banner

Book Review: Married to the Mahr, by Delilah Dare

I picked up a copy of Delilah Dare‘s Married to the Mahr as an Amazon freebie.

married to the mahr coverTraeyr’s favorite thing about being the demon that inspired the word nightmare is traveling the world. His second favorite thing is squeezing through the tightest possible holes to infiltrate his victims’ chambers.

When a delicious scent draws him to a sleeper’s room miles away, he only meant to imbibe the peculiar nightmare. He can’t explain why he licks the sweat from her brow instead, engorging his shadow power to nearly full mass. On the second night, he laps her tears as well as the nightmare clawing at her dreams.

On the third night, the dreamer wakes . . . and she can see him.

Addison never meant to bind Traeyr to her bedroom. She only wanted one dream that wasn’t a nightmare.

my review

I wanted to like this—I really did. It has a decent kernel of an idea. Unfortunately, it is clumsily executed, superfluously written (that’s a hint at the writing style), and poorly edited. I liked the character archetypes the author was aiming for, but she didn’t actually manage to capture them. There is sex, but it’s bland and repetitive. There are hints at an interesting world of supernaturals. Unfortunately, hints are all you ever get.

All in all, this was a failure for me. It feels like early work. So, maybe the author will improve with time.

married to the mahr cover

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