Tag Archives: K.E. O’Connor

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Book Review: Blood Hunted, by K.E. O’Connor

Somewhere out if the wide world of the internet I picked up a freebie copy of K.E. O’Connor Blood Hunted, way back in 2017.
blood hunted

Her supernatural ability could be the death of her…

Macie is grieving the loss of her father and facing a deadly challenge; a powerful vampire has died and she has to host her.

Blood Hunted is book 1 in the Heir Hunters series, featuring Macie Thackery, Sarah Greenburg, a powerful witch and Damien Rule, Macie’s usually trusty vampire sidekick.

Macie needs to step up to the challenge of hosting this dangerous vampire. Will she survive this case and successfully keep Heir Hunters running?

my review

Meh, I didn’t think this was horrid, just not great either. It started out pretty well. But then the middle stumbled along, a bit aimlessly, finally finding some footing in the super cliched ‘vampire who uses mental persuasion to force lust on the main character who everyone wants’ territory and I started to lose interest pretty fast. Eventually, the book did move past it and my interest was piqued again toward the end. I think I’d read another Heir Hunters bookcertainly it was readable and the world interestingbut I’m not any real hurry about it.

blood hunted