Tag Archives: Emma Hamm

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Book Review: Whispers of the Deep & Song of the Abyss, by Emma Hamm

Emma Hamm was having a scratch-and-dent sale on her TikTok shop and Whispers of the Deep and Song of Abyss had been on my TBR for a while. So, I grabbed copies.

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 About the book:
One of the many engineers that keeps Beta, the city under the sea, running, Mira only wants to make her family proud and to prove herself worthy. She knows the mysterious city better than anyone and it’s her dream to help it flourish.

But then, on a solo job in an abandoned section of the city, she encounters a monster of legend. An undine. A dangerous merman from an ancient civilization, long forgotten.

Arges has fought his entire life for his people. With deadly creatures under his control, he plans to eradicate Beta once and for all to protect his kind and their peaceful way of life. But when a human woman saves him, she unknowingly creates a bond between them, one he can’t ignore. Even though her flaming red hair haunts his dreams, he needs her for information on the undine’s enemies.

So he steals her. Keeps her. Feeds her. Only to realize their bond is far deeper than captor and captive. He cannot let her go—but he cannot keep her under the sea. In a battle to determine if love can survive a war beneath the waves, it will be their decision that changes the tides.


I found this a little sloppy. Plotholes abound. Story trajectory is wobbly. There was a noticeable tendency to not capitalize the T in ‘the’ if it fell at the beginning of a sentence. (Odd, I know, but it happened SO OFTEN.) It’s not particularly spicy, with only 2 sex scenes, and leaping from 0 to DP between the two was a choice. There was some unneeded repetition, and the shift in social attitude that made the HFN/HEA possible had no real explanation.

All the same, I enjoyed the heck out of this. I liked the characters a lot and enjoyed watching them come to trust one another. Plus, the mermen species was interesting. I like a monstrous love interest. I’m happily leaping into book two.

song of the abyss About the book:
Like a songbird in a cage, Anya has spent her entire life as the General’s perfect daughter. He snaps his fingers, she jumps. He tells her to smile, she beams like she is made of the sun itself. But underneath all those games and glitter, she’s working to destroy her father and save the city she loves.

When an undine sneaks his way into her city, intent on kidnapping her, she lets him take her.

Daios is plagued by the decisions of his past. Souls haunt him, memories follow his every move, and all he knows is that perhaps stealing this woman will absolve him of his sins. If he can bring her back to his people, then they can destroy the city where his hatred was born. He’s certain this will be easy. But then he sees the General’s daughter, and he knows nothing will ever be the same again.

Broken and damaged, he’s certain no woman will ever love him. He shouldn’t even try to encourage the mating instincts that ride him hard the moment he sees her.

But when he realizes that she’s the same as he is, different from her people and on the outskirts of what others deem “normal”, he knows he’s a goner. Even if it means he has to risk everything to keep her.


I enjoyed this, maybe not quite as much as I did book one (it felt derivative and less creative the second time around), but I still thought it was a fun read. My one big complaint was that Daios had a very drastic and abrupt change of attitude toward humans that wasn’t really supported by the events of the book. In fact, it felt like it happened before he even met Anya. I liked him a lot despite that, and Anya, too. I appreciated the disability rep, the lack of magic fixes, and that despite being all alpha-like Anya was allowed agency and to make and enact her own decisions, even when he didn’t like it.

I am kind of starting to wonder if Hamm isn’t falling into the age-old fantasy trap of writing creative, imaginative worlds that somehow do not contain women, though. The 1st book had one or two minor female characters. This one has none besides the heroines that are not being set up for future love interests. So, basically, there appear to be no women in the sea. I’ll grant that there are not a lot of side characters in general, but still, it’s becoming noticeable.

All in all, I’m still looking forward to book three in November.

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Book Review: Fire Heart, by Emma Hamm

I purchased a copy of Emma Hamm‘s Fire Heart.

fire heart cover

They handed her a sword and bid her to take a throne…Lorelei is half elf in a kingdom where that bloodline is synonymous with “slave”. The Umbra King holds everyone captive with his pet dragon who knows no mercy. She hides in the shadows and steals to stay alive, until a rebel group gives her an offer she can’t refuse.

The King seeks a bride. If she can get close enough, she could drive a dagger into that wicked man’s heart. But the bridal games are more difficult than most. Lorelei must prove herself not only beautiful, but talented, poised, and deadly as the king. However, the closer she gets to saving her kingdom, the more she realizes a singular problem stands in her way.

The dragon.

The King’s bodyguard is more than a slathering beast. He’s a man. And the longer she’s near him, the more she realizes that perhaps the king isn’t the most dangerous person in the kingdom. Perhaps she had to guard not only her body, but her heart. For a dragon mates for life, and they’re hard pressed to give up their treasures.

my review

My experience with Emma Hamm’s books has been inconsistent. I’ve read some that I absolutely loved (such as the Otherworld Series) and others that I’ve just been bored silly by (Bleeding Hearts). This was one of the latter. Maybe I just need to avoid any of her titles with Heart in it.

The writing in Fire Heart is good, and I liked the characters well enough. But the plot just left something to be desired. The main character was little more than a patsy. The main love interest was bland, though I did appreciate his fatherly attributes. The villain was a caricature. The side characters were largely uninteresting. It was all just kind of mid.

Maybe, despite the heroine being a couple of hundred years old, the story just felt too YA for me. Maybe I just expected more from this author. Who knows? All in all, I probably won’t pick up the next in the series unless it’s a freebie. But I’m still open to trying others of Hamm’s books.

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Other Reviews:

ARC Review: Fire Heart by Emma Hamm

The Rambling Book Nerd: Fire Heart, by Emma Hamm



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Book Review: Bleeding Hearts, by Emma Hamm

I bought a copy of Emma Hamm‘s Bleeding Hearts, way back in late 2021.


Find the Duke. Prove he’s a vampire. And kill him.

Maeve Winchester is out of the vampire hunting game. She’s killed enough of them, and risked her life for long enough. Working for the Holy Brotherhood didn’t make that easy, however. Especially when she has witch blood. Regardless of her past, the Inquisition agrees to release her and her magical sisters, under one circumstance.

She has to complete one more job.

Through the moors and mire, she travels to the illusive Castra Nocte. Home of the Carmine Duke. His gothic castle has stood for centuries with a single rule. If you enter, you will never leave. It is here Maeve makes her last stand. She must prove the Duke is a vampire and then kill him as she has so many others.

When she enters the castle, not all is as it seems. The Duke is charming. The castle grounds clean. His words tantalizing. She will have to keep her wits about her if she is to save her sisters… and her heart.

my review

This was entertaining enough. I generally enjoyed it. I didn’t quite feel Maeve’s transition from enemy to lover, though. It was too abrupt and required she show a level of trust and naivete that everything up to that point suggested she would not do. I also felt that she was seduced as much (if not more) by the glitz, glamour, and wealth that the Duke could provide her as by the man himself, and that didn’t feel very romantic. I did appreciate that he fell first in a truly obsessive way. It felt a little like love-bombing. But I also thought the banter between him and his butler provided the levity the plot needed.

I liked the world Hamm created, though it’s only lightly sketched out and doesn’t stray far from ‘the church’ as we are all familiar with it as the villain. However, the side characters that are in the future books look fun. I’ll probably read their books.


Other Reviews:

Myth and Magic Bookclub: Bleeding Hearts, by Emma Hamm