Tag Archives: reverse harem

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Book Review: Welcome to Nevermore Bookshop, by Steffanie Holmes

I’m pretty sure I picked up the first book in Steffanie HolmesNevermore Bookshop as an Amazon freebie. Then, I went back and bought this compilation of the first three books (A Dead and Stormy Night, Of Mice and Murder, Pride and Premeditation) so that I could continue the series. (I’m trying to focus more on series at the moment since my reading time is limited. I want to know going in that I’ll be able to reach an ending and a conclusion.)
welcome to nevermore bookshop cover

What do you get when you cross a cursed bookshop, three hot fictional men, and a punk rock heroine nursing a broken heart?

You get the Nevermore Bookshop Mysteries – where all your book boyfriends come to life.

When Mina Wilde’s ex-best friend shows up dead with a knife in her back, she’ll have to solve the murder if she wants to clear her name. Will Heathcliff, Moriarty and Quoth the Raven be able to keep her out of prison?

More importantly, will she be able to keep her hands off the three fictional men who’ve taken up residence in her bookshop… and her heart.

Agatha Christie meets Black Books in this steamy paranormal romance. Join a brooding antihero, a master criminal, a cheeky raven, and a heroine with a big heart (and an even bigger book collection) in this brand new steamy reverse harem mystery series by USA Today bestselling author Steffanie Holmes.

This collection includes books 1-3 in the Nevermore Bookshop series, plus Heathcliff’s shop rules, and alternative POV scenes from Mina’s heroes. Read on only if you believe one book boyfriend isn’t enough.

my review

When I write reviews for books in a series, sometimes I write a review for each individual book, and sometimes I write a single review that encompasses all the books (more accurately, a review of the series). For this series, however (or at least these first three books in the series), I think I could write reviews, and they would be the same for each book. A single review could be posted interchangeably for each one. I feel like there is that little difference between these three books. The murder victims changed, but that’s about it.

I did think that the author handled Mina’s impending blindness well. I felt her fear, frustration, and uncertainty. She had personal growth around the issue. And so far, there hasn’t been any magical cure, and I don’t see one on the horizon. So, that’s a plus. I also simply liked Mina herself. And I thought the writing was quite readable.

However, I never really came to love the men. I liked them, OK, but that’s about it. What’s more. While the murder mysteries were fine, I chose the series for the fantasy elements and the welcome to nevermore bookshop photoromance. Other than the fantastical existence of the men and the bookshop themselves (and Morri’s ability to hack with his phone), the fantasy elements were fairly light. And the romance was definitely a slow-moving subplot. Both of these are fine, but not what I was looking for. So, the result was that I was often bored.

All in all, I think this is a fine series that just wasn’t a great match for me.

Other Reviews:

Isabella August Reviews: Dead and Story Night



apex society banner

Book Reviews: Apex Society 1 & 2, by C. Rochelle and Cassandra Featherstone

I received a signed copy of C. Rochelle and Cassandra Featherstone‘s Come Out & Prey in a mystery box I ordered from The Story of My Life Bookstore. Then, Because it’s a prequel (and I, therefore, knew that it wouldn’t be a whole story and I’m avoiding such scenarios), I preemptively ordered Let Us Prey to read with it.

apex society covers

In this world, you’re either predator or prey.

I come from a long line of pure-blood predators, but when my shift finally happened, I turned out to be prey.

A bunny to be exact. A freakin’ bunny.

The guy I’d been promised to since birth rejected me. My own father has turned his back on me – shipping me off to Apex Academy even though it’s practically a death sentence with what I am.

Oh, and of course, my ex-fiance and his friends are here at the academy and more than happy to make my life a living h***.

But then I met my teachers. Five incredibly gorgeous apex predators, each one more mysterious than the last. And all of them, very much off-limits.

There is something dark at Apex Academy – something that’s killing off students and teachers alike. As prey, I’m afraid I’m the easiest target, but who can I trust to keep me safe?

my review

Come Out & Prey:

I really wanted to like this. I did. I went into it with such high hopes. But it doesn’t live up to its potential in several ways. For one, it’s a prequel that isn’t enjoyable. Sure, it gives everyone’s tragic backstory—Delores’ especially—but what fun is reading 230 pages of people being miserable in entirely predictable and unimaginative ways?

Second, Delores is so very ‘not like other girls’; it honestly made me cringe…repeatedly. The book is at least self-aware on this front. But that doesn’t make it any more enjoyable to read.

Third, and relatedly, Delores is the only female character in the book who isn’t over-the-top evil in utterly cliched and slut-shamey ways. Why do female authors keep doing this, villainizing all other women?

Fourth, the naming convention of putting pred and prey in EVERYTHING was distracting and frankly embarrassing after a while. It was shtick that went on WAY too long.

Fifth, there is no progress on the relationship fronts at all; considering I picked up this series expecting erotic fantasy romance, that was a disappointment.

Sixth, the book needs editing…or maybe there are just some really odd formatting choices. The random ‘okay’ at the end of several paragraphs was especially confusing.

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Let Us Prey:

I don’t use star ratings on the blog. But if I did, this would honestly barely make it out of the two-star range and only then because it’s competently written. As with the prequel, I wanted to like this. I expected to. I recently read Rochelle’s The Yaga’s Riders and liked it a lot. I had no reason to think this wouldn’t be equally as enjoyable. I’m down with the premise. But it was utterly disappointing.

The quirky naming convention nearly drove me to distraction, I hated it so much. If used sparingly, it might have been amusing. But it’s constant and felt like a schtick that went on far too long.

The plot meanders endlessly. The book is relatively long, and several times I wondered if there was still a plot or if we were just off doing whatever random thing popped up with nothing tying it together. I’m still not wholly sure.

There is very little spice in the book. And I don’t mean that as in, ‘the book didn’t have as much sex as I’d like.’ Instead, with the list of triggers in the beginning, blurb, cover, and five mates, there isn’t as much spice as the book sets the reader up to expect. It makes promises it doesn’t keep.

I have never read a co-authored book where the individual chapters are labeled who wrote them. I was confused in the beginning. I couldn’t figure out why the random ‘Cassandra’ was in the chapter heading. Once I figured out what was going on, I found it distracting, even as I tried to look over it.

The gay BFFs were cliched. The Heathers (yeah, they’re modeled on those Heathers) were too. And I cannot tell you how saddened I am every time I read one more book, especially a female-authored book, in which all other women except the main character and her small circle are horrible in some manner. And to have them horrible in very Kardashian ways has been done a million times and is probably steeped in more than a whiff of internalized misogyny.

The mother (who is the primary face of villainy) was beyond cartoonish. The men were buffoons, and only one of them was meant to be. If I had to read how perfect Deloris was one more time, I might have instituted a vom prom of my own. The dialogue got stiffer and stiffer as the book progressed. And, while Deloris (note the name) is technically over 18, the book plays with pedophilia in some subtle ways.

The occasional joke did land. We don’t talk about Bruno, after all. And I liked the heroes on the surface. I think that’s what makes this so disappointing. I can see how it could have been everything I was hoping for. But it went for slapstick ingénue over just about everything else, and I was eventually simply glad to come to the end of it (even with the cliffhanger).

Other Reviews:

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Book Review: Bloom in Blood & Dance in Night, by L.A. Boruff and Lainie Anderson

I accepted a free Audible Code for a copy of L.A. Boruff and Lainie Anderson‘s Dance in Night through FreeAudiobookcodes.com. However, I didn’t realize at the time that it is book two in the series. So, I then had to hunt up a copy of Bloom in Blood, which I did.
unseen midlife covers

About Bloom in Blood:

At thirty-seven, the worst possible thing happened. Now, at forty-two, Riley has nearly given up.

Five years ago, my world was turned upside down when my husband and sons disappeared without a trace. I mourned, I searched, and when I got no answers, I began to prepare.

Nobody will catch me vulnerable again.

I was wrong to think my life couldn’t get any crazier. Now there are two vampires at my door telling me my missing family wasn’t human…and neither am I. I have a chance to regain everything I’ve lost. But first, I have to find the truth about my heritage, all while fighting the overwhelming attraction I have for my missing husband’s best friends.

No matter what, my mourning is done. My life is in my control again. And I will burn the world to the ground to get my family back.

my review

This has an interesting premise and characters. But the execution…OMG, the execution is so bad. I picked this book up because I accepted an audible code for a copy of Dance in Night—book two of the series—without realizing it is a sequel. So, I had to step back and find this book to read first. If I hadn’t committed to reading and reviewing book two and therefore needed to finish book one, I would have DNFed this pretty early on.

The narrative is almost entirely dialogue, which leaves very little room for world-building that isn’t just info-dumped from one character to another for the benefit of the reader. And so much of the dialogue is painfully stilted. Worst of all, in my opinion (because it’s a pet peeve—once you notice, you can’t stop noticing), names are constantly included in the dialogue.

Authors, step back and think about a conversation you have with friends and family in real life. How often do you actually say the name of the person you’re talking to? I find the constant inclusion of names in dialogue one of the fastest ways to make writing feel amateurish.

Plus, the name of this series is An Unseen Midlife. The character is 42. It’s meant to fit in the Paranormal Women’s Fiction genre. A genre for women approaching middle age who are past the starting a family stage and are moving on to finding themselves again outside of the role of wife and mother. So, when the plotline is all about the importance of her babies (and ends with her pregnant with another), it breaches the contract of the genre, in my opinion.

Add to all of the above the fact that the plot rockets at such a pace that nothing is allowed time bloom in blood phototo grow or develop, and the result is a complete flop for me.

The writing and editing are mechanically sound, and the book has a cool cover. (The series has cool covers, rather.) And I appreciate that Riley is a full-sized woman. She’s a size 18 when her husband falls in love with her. But that’s about the most positive thing I have to say about any of it.

About Dance in Night:

Several months after the heartbreaking events in the ruins of the Isla Del Sol, all Riley wants is to resolve her complicated past and move on with life.

Pregnant, married, and safe, she never expects to be kidnapped while on vacation with her husbands.

Her kidnappers open her eyes to a dangerous threat to her baby’s entire existence. Her children’s safety is her top priority, and Riley will stop at nothing to achieve it. Is she strong enough to save her family?

my review

Meh. I liked this one a lot more than the first in the series. But I 100% stand by my previous assertion that THIS IS NOT PWF. Paranormal Women’s Fiction focuses on what women do once they have passed the stage of life of marriage and babies. And while the character here is in her forties, she is freshly married and pregnant for most of the book, then she has the baby, and the rest of dance in nightthe book focuses on baby issues. THAT IS EXPLICITLY NOT PWF, and it feels like dishonesty on the part of the authors to pretend it is.

As for the plot itself, it’s pretty shallow and predictable. It’s not bad, per se, but there’s not a lot to it. (And honestly, I skipped past the spicy times, just not invested enough to bother.) All in all, I’m not too disappointed to read it, but I am very glad to have it off my TBR.

Other Reviews: