I’ve meant to do a bit of a graphic novel binge for a while but never got around to it. Now, however, circumstances being as they are I’m doing it. The circumstances? It’s The tail end of December, and I am still 10 books short of reaching my 150-book reading goal for the year. Yes, I count graphic novels as books. But also, yes, I consider reading them just to pad numbers, cheating on my own challenge rule. But I’m going to forgive myself since I’m also halfway through a PhD, and time is really at a premium right now. Let’s dive into them (in no particular order).
The Cemeterians: The Complete Series
This had an interesting concept and started out really well. It got a little too spiritual for me at the end, but I mostly enjoyed it, though I did think the coloring was a tad dark. I know it was for atmosphere, etc., but I’d have liked to be able to see a bit better.
Heart Eyes: The Complete Series
This is an interesting Lovecraftian-like horror with pretty art and an unexpected twist. I could have done without the pointless (truly pointless) fan service at the end, and the whole thing really could have been fleshed out a bit more. But all in all, I enjoyed it in a grim-darkish sort of way.
Unnatural Order Vol. 1: The Prisoner
All in all, I thought this was ok but not as good as it could have been. It started pretty well, other than some stiff dialogue, which, in retrospect, might be purposeful to the plot (Something not apparent from the beginning). Then it got confusing, things moved too quickly, the arguing got tedious, and the end came about too quickly.
West of Sundown Vol. 2: Youthful BlasphemyI
I had much the same experience with this 2nd volume as I did with the 1st. I simply wanted to like it more than I actually did. I was frequently confused, and though the confusion usually was cleared eventually, I didn’t enjoy the ‘until then’ aspect of it. I like the art, though.
Review of Vol 1
Godfell: The Complete Series
I enjoyed this well enough. I liked the art and the story. But the plot is rather simple, and the middle drags a bit. I think the most interesting aspect of this was that the lead was female, filling a role usually reserved for males.

Door to Door Night by Night: A World Full of Monsters
I liked this a lot. Have you ever wondered what happens when the Winchester blow through town, opening peoples’ eyes to what goes bump in the night and then move on? I can’t say that I had, but this story made me realize that I should have. I liked that these were normal, everyday schmucks who suddenly found themselves obligated to deal with things they weren’t ready for but stepped up to do the right thing anyhow. I hope there is more of this series.

First and foremost, the art is gorgeous. The story’s beginning is a little pedantic, but the ensuing rebirth is interesting. I liked the little bit of flash fiction at the end too.
Denizen: The Complete Series
I liked the art a lot, but the story felt too rushed for my liking. I appreciate the moral of facing brutal truths to build a stronger future. But the horror elements aren’t given any context. Why was the camper there? How did it get there? What did the people who ran the camp know, and how did they know it? How did the camper do what it did, etc? All in all, I thought this was OK, but it left me with a lot of questions.

Barbaric Vol. 2: Axe to Grind
Meh, frankly, I was bored. We got a little backstory. One character is dealing with some trauma. It ends on an unexpected cliffhanger (and then has a bit of a one-shot tacked on). Ok. But mostly, it’s slash, maul, and repeat.
Review of Vol 1

I generally enjoyed this. I liked the art a lot. You see too few reverse age gaps (even if the male is still the pursuer here, so it’s not as subversive as it could be). I did think there was some repetition in the middle, so it dragged a little, and the happy ending came about very suddenly. But I also thought there were some thought-provoking circumstances and much more character growth than one would expect in a manhwa (especially one that started as a webtoon).

Covenant, Vol. 1
I enjoyed this. The art is pretty, there’s some humor, the world and plot seem interesting, and I like the characters. I did feel like, even at 240 pages, it ended right as the story actually got around to really starting. I’ve requested the next one from the library.