Tag Archives: porn with plot

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Book Review: Den of Vipers, by K.A. Knight

I purchased an e-copy of K.A. Knight’s Den of Vipers.
den of vipers cover

Ryder, Garrett, Kenzo, and Diesel—The Vipers.

They run this town and everyone in it. Their deals are as sordid as their business, and their reputation is enough to bring a grown man to his knees, forcing him to beg for mercy. They are not people you mess with, yet my dad did. The old man ran up a debt with them and then sold me to cover his losses.

Yes, sold me.

They own me now.

I’m theirs in every sense of the word. But I’ve never been meek and compliant. These men, they look at me with longing. Their scarred, blood-stained hands holding me tight. They want everything I am, everything I have to give, and won’t stop until they get just that. They can own my body, but they will never have my heart.

The Vipers? I’m going to make them regret the day they took me.

This girl? She bites too.

my review

I read A Lady of Rooksgrave Manor recently, and I said in my review of it, “I have no general problem with Porn Without Plot…or without much plot. It can be a lot of fun…But I think I can officially now say that almost 400 pages of it is just too much.” Well, Den of Vipers is over 650 pages and, yes, I still feel that is too much for me. It just went on and on and on and on.

I liked Roxy in the most general sense, same for the Vipers. But past the halfway mark, I was simply done with all of them. I didn’t expect a lot of plot (which is good since I didn’t get one). But I did expect the book not to become so repetitive that I simply got bored. And OMG, all the Roxy worship just made me cringe.

To take something someone said a little out of context, as I believe they were talking specifically about fantasy, fiction doesn’t have to be realistic, but it does have to be believable. Meaning den of vipers photobelievable in the context of the world the author creates. Nothing in this was. While I appreciate that Roxy met crazy with crazy, and that worked out for her and the Vipers. It just felt like there were no limits, no constraints, no borders to the story. Which just leaves a book feeling random and sloppy.

All in all, if it were half as long, I probably would have liked it twice as much. But as it is, I’ll call this a meh, middle-of-the-road read.

Other Reviews:

Den of Vipers Book Review

Review: ‘Den of Vipers’ by K.A. Knight


steampunk cyborg

Book Review: Steampunk Cyborg, by Eve Langlais

I do this thing sometimes where I search Amazon Prime for the odd, extreme sales and let fate and random algorithms sell me a cheap, surprise book. Eve LanglaisSteampunk Cyborg came into my hand in this manner.
steampunk cyborg

When a friend drags Agatha “Aggie” Bowles to a romance convention, all she wants to do is find some new authors and a quiet spot to read. Instead of relaxing with a book, she ends up kidnapped by a steampunk cyborg.

Which is as exciting as it sounds.

Except for the fact he’s more interested in the cog hanging around her neck than Aggie herself. He’ll do anything to get his hands on it. Problem is other people want it, too.

Can this cyborg relinquish a priceless treasure for love?  

my review This was utterly ridiculous. In one sense I can’t really fault it for that. It’s absolutely not supposed to be anything else. This is written to be cotton candy enjoyment with no depth or subtly. But in another sense, I have to admit there just wasn’t enough here to keep me interested.

Oddly, if there was more sex in it, I might call it Porn With Plot, and thus say it’s exactly what it set out to be. But there’s really not much sex in it at all. The thing with Porn With Plot books is that you don’t expect much more than an outline of a plot to hang the sex on. The Porn is the primary component, the With Plot secondary. This has about the same amount of plotting, but not the sex, which leaves it feeling flimsy at best.

The mechanical writing and editing is pretty good though. It’s certainly readable. Just maybe not for me.

steampunk cyborg

Other Review:

Paranormal Book Reviews