Tag Archives: Elizabeth Stephens

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Book Review: Dark City Omega, by Elizabeth Stephens

I received a copy of Elizabeth StephensDark City Omega in a Renegade Romance Book Box.

dark city omega cover

When Omegas run away, the beasts of Gatamora come out to play… Echo knew that being caught by a ruling Berserker would mean becoming his pawn, a play thing to be used for her powers. That wouldn’t be her fate. She’d rather run lost through the woods forever, dangerous though they may be. But there’s something even more sinister than beasts and Berserkers lurking in the woods. Something both undead and deadly. She can’t fight it alone. She’ll have to turn to the Berserker who’s caught the trail of her scent and won’t let it go. He says she’s his. She says never. He says forever. Bones, bonds and hearts will be broken. Some battles can’t be won. Run, Omega, run.

my review

I found this a really frustrating book to read because there would be moments when I would see such potential in it. But then Stephens would ALWAYS choose to lean into the cliched, patriarchal, usually flat-out misogynistic tropes instead of the interesting, dissident, sometimes even transgressive ones her own plotline, as written, would allow for. There were times she even did this when the plot couldn’t support it, forcing the characters to enact popular kink or BDSMy acts that fit neither of the characters’ personalities up to or beyond that point.

Or, for example, making the male lead grovel satisfyingly (as he should) while the female lead shows admirable backbone in setting reasonable boundaries. Then, immediately making him disregard everything she said, each boundary, and his own just spoken promises to bypass her consent and firmly stated boundaries to force a kiss on her and declare his desires and intent (which run counter to hers and disregard the fact he is doing what she just said she didn’t want). Of course, she then just accepts it, forgives him, and picks up right where they left off because sex makes it all OK. And make no mistake, Stephens wrote this to be romantic. He wants her this badly, bla, bla, bla. It’s almost a satisfying scene, but is utterly ruined by cliches instead of giving us true introspection and character growth.

I suppose I’ve just reached a point where, as much as I once enjoyed ABO fiction, stories that uncritically place women in socially submissive, abuse-as-romance cultures are a little too on the nose for contemporary America, and I can’t suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy them anymore. But Stephens also tries to have her cake and eat it too in this regard. She wants the dark city omega photoreader to believe Adam (and supposedly future berserker heroes) truly loves and value their omega mates (can see them as equals) and that omegas are rare and valuable. But she also placed them in a world that treats omega (which correlatively is a stand-in for women, even ifthere are two token male omegas—the mechanics of their omega-ness never addressed) where omegas are considered worthless trash to be caught and thoughtlessly raped to death. This is both displayed and explicitly voiced in the book. It’s one or the other. Maybe other authors can pull it off, but it definitely didn’t gel here.

All in all, I wish I liked this a lot more than I did. I saw a lot I could have liked if Stephens was a different sort of author, writing a different sort of book.

Other Reviews:

Book Review: Dark City Omega by Elizabeth Stephens

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Book Review: Lord of Population, by Elizabeth Stephens

A copy of Elizabeth StephensLord of Population came in my most recent Renegade Romance book box.
Lord Of Population cover

She thinks she can steal from me, the little human. Adorable. I can’t decide what will be more fun – the hunt, or what I will do to her when I catch her. And I will catch her. There is nowhere she can run.

Abel was of perfectly sound body and mind when she looted the Other’s corpse. He looked dead. Wait. Did he just smirk up at her? No. Definitely not…

Hiding out in an abandoned townhouse, Abel doesn’t expect to hear that same bloodsucking alien come knocking on her door or that, when trouble finds them, he might stand at her back, rather than stab her through it.

But when he offers to help her cross the ruined world of Population, Abel knows better than to believe him. Because when he looks at her, it’s with a hunger that seems to go beyond the taste of her blood and, when he asks for payment, he requires the one thing she can’t give up.

Her trust.

Run all you like, little human. The sword you carry won’t be enough to stop me from coming for you. You’re mine. Blood. Body. Heart.

my review

Goodreads tells me that “Lord of Population is a relaunched and combined edition of Population and Saltlands.” That it is two books combined into one is not surprising. You feel it as a reader. In fact, it feels like three. Arc one is Abel meeting and falling for Kane. Book two would be Abel and Mikael’s rescue plot. The third is dealing with Elise. (I hope I made those vague enough that those who’ve read it recognize what I mean, and it isn’t spoiled for those who haven’t.) So, yeah, the book is a little clunky in that regard. “But at no point was I like, OMG, when will this end?!”

I had other complaints. The book starts out giving you a rough, tough, alpha bad-ass alien. Then, he pretty quickly turns into a mild-mannered feudal lord, loved by his subjects, one and all. *Whiplash…and disappointment* The plot pretty predictable. I can’t think of a single twist that caught me off-guard, not even the last one. And the editing starts to fall apart toward the end (both copy edits and content edits). For example, we’re told someone is clean-shaven, and then, on the same page, Abel touches the person’s beard.

Complaints or not, however, I generally enjoyed this. I liked the characters. There are a few heavy topics dealt with. While rape in the dystopian world is inferred, it never happens on-page to the main character (so I didn’t have to read it). And I liked the story in general, better than I liked Taken to Voraxia (which I didn’t hate), for sure.

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Other Reviews:

The Tattered Page: Lord of Population


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Book Review: Taken to Voraxia, by Elizabeth Stephens

I received a copy of the special edition of Elizabeth StephensTaken to Voraxia in a mystery box from The Story of My Life Bookstore.

taken to voraxia cover

Here’s what I know: aliens invade our colony every three years, hunt and claim the most beautiful of our women, then leave. Here’s what I don’t know: why the king of them is here this time, and why his black, glittering eyes are trained on me.

A hybrid with red alien skin and brown human eyes, I’m not pretty. I’ve got no family and no plans to ever have one – least of all with this monster of a male. I’m an inventor, a mechanic, a tinkerer. The alien king wants me for reasons I can only guess at, but I’m not about to be taken for a slave and his response to me is something I know I can engineer my way out of.

He plans to come back for me when I’m of age, but he’ll have to find me first. Our little colony is a scary, desperate place and I’m less afraid to face it, than to face him or the strange, alien sensations he stirs…

She is my Xiveri mate, yet she runs from me – straight into the horrors of her small, savage moon colony. Slaughtering in her defense is easy, while gaining her trust will be the true challenge.

She fears my kind and the horrors my treacherous general has inflicted on her humans. Does she not know that it is my blood rite to keep her safe against him and his even more dangerous off-world allies? No, she thinks herself my slave and in place of acceptance, offers me only pacts and bargains. Shamed by her pacts, I still take them all gluttonously, because though she knows only hate, I know only need.

Eventually, we will need more than just these pacts between us if I am to convince her that she is my Xiveri mate and if she is to take her place at my side, not as my slave, but as Voraxia’s queen.

my review

I was excited to read this book. I’ve seen it recommended several times. And, having read it now, I can say it’s fine. But that’s it. It’s fine. Maybe I wouldn’t feel so let down by that if I hadn’t gone in with such high expectations. Maybe that’s on me. But this was a serious case of meh.

There was quite a lot about it I liked, but honestly, there was just as much that I didn’t. I liked the characters, but nothing about them, their situation, or the plot felt believable (least of all Miari and Svera’s instant transformation from all but slavery to queen and advisor). I liked the taken to voraxia photointeresting world, but we see almost none of it. I liked that Raku (and supposedly his people) were made out to be so honorable. But Stephens’ kept putting Miari (and the other women) in positions to need protection that contradicted the honorable people the author was hawking. I liked Raku’s direct way of speaking, but I HATED that a few words were in another language (nox for no, for example). Why just these few words? So distracting!

All in all, I’ll call this a middle-of-the-road read. I have a few more in the series. I’ll probably read them eventually. But I’m in no hurry about it.

Other Reviews:

ARC Review: Taken to Voraxia by Elizabeth Stephens