Tag Archives: PNR

Knight after Night

Book Review of Knight after Night (Vampire Assassin League #1), by Jackie Ivie

Knight After NightI downloaded a copy of Jackie Ivie‘s Knight After Night from Amazon. It’s a perma-freebie.

Description from goodreads:
Highland Vampire Thoran MacKettryck’s lonely. Bitter. Vengeful. For centuries now, he’s taken lives for profit and drained blood for free. Just like always. But then he’s gifted what every immortal craves: his mate. He just can’t believe his eyes when he finally hunts her down. 

Jolie Pritchard’s young. Studious. Driven. Studying Medieval Literature is her life and this scholarship – her dream. She’s the last thing an arrogant, gorgeous, world-class playboy should be pursuing and she knows it. If only he wasn’t the most thrilling male she’s ever imagined…

She was warned. She didn’t listen.

Man, what a waste! Ivie can write. There’s witty dialogue. There’s a cute, kind of clueless alpha male who begs. (I love me some begging man.) There’s smart female lead. There’s vampires. Really, this should have been a slam dunk for me. But no. No. No. No. NO. NO!

It’s not even half as long as it needs to be to allow for a believable plot. So it’s incredibly rushed and almost every aspect of it is underdeveloped. Thornan is apparently some sort of vampire assassin (the series is even called Vampire Assassin League) but that’s not addressed anywhere in the book.

Jolie is unnecessarily rude to Thornan from the moment they meet. Really, people usually present a little social grace when confronted with new people before turning mean. He bullies her into a date by threatening violence against anyone she tries to call for help and ignores all her attempts at agency. Then, despite the author trying to show Jolie angry at the idea of being materialistic, a full on third of the book seems to be dedicated to describing his wealth and Jolie’s response to it.

There is slut shaming and the requisite naive virgin whining about how his big penis will tear her. WTF? Jolie just accepts everything with ease by deciding not to think about it (what happened to the smart girl in the beginning) and seems to have some sort of personality transplant about halfway through the book. Then they declare ever-lasting love after one night together.

I am so disappointed!


Craving More

Book Review of Craving More (Tiger Nip #1), by Brandy Walker

Craving MoreI picked up a copy of Craving More, by Brady Walker, from Amazon when it was free.

Description from Goodreads:
Corrine Hart is ready for few days off for rest and relaxation. At the top of her to-do list is spending as much time as possible in tiger form and doing her best to banish all thoughts of the mysterious Hunky Cupcake Guy who spent the last two weeks driving her libido insane.

Jett Montgomery-Murphy just wants to know if the tasty treats that keep showing up at work are the same ones his best friend used to get while they were in college. A trip out to Sweet Confections confirms what he thought and brings him in close contact with the one woman he’s secretly lusted after for years, his best friend’s sister Corrine.

A late night tryst leads to two tigers finding their mates and two humans unsure what to do next. Add in an overbearing brother, a best friend with her own drama, and a crazy ex-girlfriend that has a checkered past and you have a recipe for disaster.

Will Corrine and Jett be able to overcome the unexpected obstacles on their way to falling in love? Or will they throw in the towel before the relationship even gets off the ground?

I won’t lie; I read this book because I was sick of looking at the ugly cover in my TBR list. He looks like some duck-billed Cro-Magnon in that picture. Yuck. But I held out hope that the story might be ok. It wasn’t, not in my opinion anyway.

I thought the hero was a wimpy ass and every other male in the book was condescending and patronizing toward women. The women fell into only two camps. Good girls who were the potential mates of the male characters or crazy, violent bitches not worth consideration or humanity. There was no significant plot. Random things just happened. The world, despite seeming interesting, wasn’t developed enough for me to feel invested in. The characters lacked depth and I was basically bored for most of the book.

fever blood moon

Book Review of Fever (Blood Moon Rising #1), by Lola Taylor

FeverFever: Blood Moon Rising, by Lola Taylor, is a perma-freebie on Amazon. That’s where I picked my copy up. I read it as the 6th book in my Blood Mood Reading Challenge.

Description from Goodreads:
When the Blood Moon rises, the wolves come out to play… and find their mates. 

Danica has about given up on love. In a last-ditch attempt at finding “the one,” she agrees to a blind date through an online dating service. But instead of finding roses and romance, she finds someone intent on killing her. That is, until the mysterious, brooding Gage shows up to save her…. 

Gage is running out of time to find a mate. If the Blood Moon sets before he can find her, he’ll lose the rank of packmaster – and the peace within the pack – he’s worked so hard to obtain. When he saves a luscious blonde in the parking lot, he has no idea she is his mate – until he Marks her with his touch. 

Determined to keep her safe at any cost, Gage whisks Danica away into a hidden world full of lust, unlikely love, and treachery. Someone’s put a hit on his mate, and he’s hell-bent on finding out who, all while the Blood Moon looms closer, threatening to destroy his chances at true love forever. That is, if something – or someone – doesn’t kill the woman he’s falling for first.

*Sigh* It wasn’t Baaad. It just wasn’t very good either. Nothing and no-one had any depth or development. It was schmaltzy to the nth degree. The same gimmick (like her refusal to believe she wasn’t dreaming or the interrupted sex) was played over and over. Dangers popped up and disappeared without any true tension. In fact, nothing in the whole book had any kind of edge to it. Gage was the most beta alpha I’ve ever read (he did not inspire confidence) and Danica was just annoying and useless. This is basically just a collection of various werewolf tropes strung together with nothing to bolster it up or tie it together. I did like the brother Nik and some of the dialogue is funny, but all in all, not a real winner for me.