I received an audio copy of Lycan Legacy – Prey from the author, Veronica Singer.
Description from Goodreads:
“Prey,” whispered my inner wolf. There was a certain beauty, a certain simplicity, to her animal mindset. She was quick to label anyone or anything we met as “Pack,” “Predator,” or “Prey.” Together, wolf and woman, we always managed to tell where anyone stood. Until the day we met that damned Magician in Tokyo.
Luna White is a runaway, a lone werewolf running from her home and pack and her Alpha’s obsession with using her to expand the pack; a plan that would have devastating consequences for Luna. She runs to Tokyo, where American werewolf packs are unknown. With a big personality and ego to match; she lands in Tokyo with a splash.
Mason Carter is a Magician. He traveled from America and settled in Tokyo. He doesn’t care for werewolves; their lack of control runs against the principles of magic. However, Mason has a secret; he knows how to help the incredibly rare female werewolves keep from losing their minds during pregnancy. He won’t reveal this to any werewolf, fearing that unrestrained breeding of werewolf litters will destabilize the supernatural community.
The clash between the powerful Alpha and a Magician threatens not only Luna but the burgeoning love she feels for Mason.
This wasn’t bad, a lot better than some werewolf books I’ve read. And I really appreciated that Mason wasn’t a alpha A-hole. He wasn’t a pushover, but he was totally willing to bend to Luna’s more obviously dominant personality type. I enjoyed their banter and the world Singer is building in this first book of a series.
However, I thought the plot-line (a male wolf trying to forcefully possess and ‘breed’ a female) was trite and overused, and the plot jumped around, feeling disjointed. This wasn’t at all helped by the fact that Luna’s character was quite inconsistent. She was running scared one minute, then badass, threatening alpha queen the next, before going back to scary-cat again (all without reason given in the story).
Having said all that, I did enjoy it and I’d probably even read the next one. Cornelisse did a good job with the narration, though I think she mispronounced some of the Japanese. (I took two semesters in college, most of which I don’t remember. So, I don’t speak it, but I do remember the pronunciation of the syllabary and I’m fairly sure Cornelisse wasn’t correct more than once.) Further, it sure sounded like there were some misused English words too. But I suspect that was her being true to the text. This is one of the downsides to audiobooks instead of textual books. I’d know if it was an editing mistake if I saw it (or if I just misheard). Regardless, none of it was too egregious, just something I noticed.