Ghost in the Machine

Book Review of C.E. Kilgore’s Ghost in the Machine

Ghost in the MachineAuthor, C.E. Kilgore sent me an ecopy of her Sci-Fi Romance, Ghost in the Machine (Corwint Central Agent Files #1). Though it’s also currently free on Amazon.

Overly long description from Goodreads:
“Love is like a wormhole. You stumble on to it blindly, it sucks you in and takes you somewhere completely unexpected, but you sure have one hell of a ride. You can’t fight it, because that would tear your ship apart. You can’t control it, either. All you can do is set your thrusters on glide and let it take you where it’s going to take you.”

Take part in an exploration of the heart through a richly built and diverse universe of cultures, planets and people. As a member of the Vesparian race that seeks to keep its entire existence secret, Orynn is thrown into the open by a request for help that she could not refuse. Seeking to reconcile past mistakes and gain a forgiveness she feels she does not deserve, the control over her empathic abilities is put to the test when the darkness that lives within her spirit threatens to once again destroy any piece of happiness that she allows herself to find. 

Joining a rag-tag crew of Central Agents, who are part of an organization that maintain a counterbalance against the encroaching Xen’dari Empire, Orynn finds unexpected friendship and a trust she struggles not to betray. When her heart grows an attachment for one of the crew members, a Mechatronic Automaton who reminds her of a lost and cherished friendship, the darkness within her fights against it and begins to rip her spirit in two. When another Agent tries to bring out the darkness in order to witness her races’ rumored capabilities, she is brought to the edge of the abyss within her soul. With a gentle push, she jumps.

As a Mechatronic Automaton, Ethan defines his world through a set of logically defined values and understandings. Encountering Orynn throws his system out of balance as he tries to decide if he should trust the feelings he is developing, or if he should follow the logic telling him that she is trying to control him for some unknown purpose. Should he keep her at a distance despite his want to bring her near, or should he follow the heart he swears he does not have? As his understanding of her develops, he begins to question all of his preconceived notions about both himself and the universe around him.

In his attempts to capture the Vesparian prey he has been hunting after for two decades, the First Commander of the Xen’dari fleet will stop at nothing and track Orynn to the ends of the universe. On a path of vengeance for a past he can’t let go of, he will do everything in his power to burn her world down around her feet until nothing is left but ash and the bitter taste of regret. The Central Agents’ mission to save a planet from a genetically created plague is put in jeopardy by the First Commander’s advances. The crew must fight against the unknown foe as they travel between systems in their search for the plague’s cure.

Orynn guides the crew through these systems with her knowledge of the cultures and peoples, giving the young captain a crash course in the uncommon races of the Outer Rim. Captain Hankarron Eros is in for the ride of his life as he tries to put aside his preconceived ideas about Vesparians and give Orynn his trust. Struggling with his own relationship woes and a reputation for rash and strategically lacking decisions, Hank fights to hold on to his Captain’s chair as the legendary legacy of his Uncle overshadows him. 

Ghosts of the past clash with hopes for the future in this first book of the series, set in a universe where nothing is as it seems at first glance and trust is a highly priced commodity.


I knew this was a sci-fi romance, but I was surprised to find that it was a romance first and foremost and a sci-fi second. The romance elements are a lot stronger than the science fiction. In fact, I kind of think they overshadowed it a little bit. I like a good romance as much as the next person, so I wasn’t too bothered by this. I just didn’t expect it. Though on rereading the description I probably shouldn’t have been. 

I really appreciate that Kilgore was willing to explore the concept of the consequences of actions, including inaction. I would almost call this the theme of the book. Orynn was forced to face this again and again and there were some real tragedies here. They were some of the most realistic element of the book, which is something I think some authors are afraid to allow. I’m glad Kilgore was willing to go there. I also thought it countered all the sappy, happy-happy-joy-joy of the romance. 

The crew of the Zera reminded me a lot of the crew of the Firefly. Yes, the book lacked the steampunk element, but the basic way the crew interacted, the young female engineer, their tendency to fight the good fight while functioning outside the proper legal confines all seemed very, very familiar to me. Now, I loved Firefly. I adored the characters and the way they loved to hate one another, how they ragged on each-other constantly and teased each-other good naturedly. All those elements were here to love in this book too. 

I was a little disappointed to find the all to frequently used female lead who has extremely strong abilities, but is hampered by her fragile heart. I really hate this trope, hate it. Orynn was forever berating herself or falling apart for using her natural born skills–for being who she is essentially. What’s more, she frequently compromised herself in the process, resulting in the classic damsel in emotional distress syndrome. Yep, I hate that too. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t dislike Orynn as a character. I just found myself groaning at some of her antics. She could have been a strong female lead. She should have been really. Instead she was an emotional basket case that made me want to kick her. At 200+ year old she should have figured some of this stuff out already. 

I also had a moderate problem with Ethan. I loved him as a character. He was kind, considerate, and willing to examine himself and his own motives. But he was just too human for a mecha (android), both emotionally and physically. I gather he was designed to evolve and was something of an anomaly among mecha, but he really rose above his subroutines on more than one occasion. Then there was the minor detail of sex. I can accept him being anatomically correct. His designer was aiming for realistic human form after all. I can even accept that he was able to activate that organ as any other. I was with the author up to this point. But once we reach his ability to climax, including a deposit (for lack of a less offensive description), I was lost. I couldn’t help but wonder what function that option played. It’s not like he had any genetic material to pass on for the purpose of procreation. Not to mention what was it made of…hydraulic fluid?

The writing was pretty good, especially in the second half–once the author passed the need to break up each passage to explain every new species, planet, space station, etc. (That really disrupted the flow of the first half of the book). I only have two small criticisms. One, the book could do with a little more editing. Two, the POV is all over the place. Luckily, the cast is pretty small so when you head-hop you can’t go too far. But the reader does leap from person to person a lot, often in a short space of time and with no warning. 

Despite my complaints, I enjoyed the book and would be more than willing to continue the series. I look forward to seeing how the other characters evolve, especially Merek. He was my favourite. I recommend the book more for romance fans than sci-fi fans though.

As and aside, the title makes me think of Ghost in the Shell. So I was really disappointed not to find a single Tachikoma and no reference to the Major or Batou. “Sigh* Not that I really expected any, though. 


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