Tag Archives: shifter romance

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Book Review: Fierce Cowboy Wolf, by Kait Ballenger

I won a copy of Kait Ballenger‘s Fierce Cowboy Wolf.

fierce cowboy wolf cover

She’s all he wanted, but was unable to claim…until now.

Sierra Cavanaugh has worked her whole life to become the first female elite warrior in Grey Wolf history. With her nomination finally put forward, all she needs is the pack council’s approval. But those stuffy old wolves refuse to elect her unless she finds herself a mate.

Packmaster Maverick Grey was reconciled to spending the rest of his life alone. Now, upon entering into treaty renegotiations with the other Seven Range clans, he needs the elite warrior vacancy filled—and fast. If Sierra needs a mate, this is his chance to claim her. But Sierra has an agenda of her own for their union, and they’ll need to work together against the assassin intent on barring the deal. For these two rivals, the only thing more dangerous than fighting the enemy at their backs is battling the war of seduction building between them…

my review

*Mild spoiler warning*

I’m very middle of the road on how I feel about this book. There were some things I liked a lot, some things I didn’t like at all, some things I thought I’d hate that turned out to be appreciable instead, and some things I thought I’d love but Ballenger managed to sully. That’s a mixed bag of feelings not easy to get on paper.

I guess the best I can do is take them one at a time, even if some of them overlap. I liked Sierra a lot. I liked that she was independent, forward thinking, and willing to pursue her own desires. I like watching strong men realize a woman is their emotional salvation, as Maverick eventually did. It’s one of those ‘Yes, it’s problematic but it ticks my sexy buttons’ sort of things. I liked that the sex didn’t get all dominant and submissive, undermining Sierra’s right to her strength, as was really popular in romance for a while.

I disliked that, even if Ballenger was willing to set aside many of the icky tropes so common in romance, she wasn’t willing to set aside the expectation of virginity one. She did try to give reasons Sierra was still a virgin well past the age one would expect it. But it still felt like a ‘qualifier of female purity’ line that she wasn’t willing to cross.

And as this plot point played out, it came to a scene where Sierra embarrassingly admitted her virginity to Maverick and asked him to teach her to pleasure a man. And I wanted to DNF the book right there. I thought, “Shit, she’s going to play the ingénue (which doesn’t fit her character at all) and I’m going to have to sit through all the trainee sex while Maverick goes all alpha dominant in the bedroom and teaches her about her own body.” I hate that. But Ballenger surprised me. She didn’t take the well worn and predictable path. Instead, Maverick refused and Sierra stepped up and negotiated for her desires. She knew her body, knew what she wanted, and refused to be denied her just rewards. I liked this.

I liked that throughout the book Sierra championed for women’s rights and Maverick was in support of them. I disliked that when he finally managed to push through all the equal rights changes the pack needed to bring them into the modern age, it was described through Sierra’s thoughts as:

Sierra cradled the pile of papers in her hands, staring down at them in awe before she glanced back up at him, tears pouring down her face. He’d done it. He’d placed her wants, her needs, and desires before all other duty and kept his promise.

I mean, woo-hoo for social equality. But I’d have appreciated if he’d passed all the reforms because he thought it was best for the pack or believed in them himself. Instead, he just gave his wife what she wanted in order to get her to forgive him for a past transgression. It seriously undermined the validity of the changes, or at least his deserved virtue for making them.

I liked that Sierra stood up for the idea of women being more than breeders and put her career first. But I disliked that Ballenger then ended the book with her pregnant, which back-pedaled the idea entirely. Sierra can claim she and women are good for more than popping out babies, but apparently the reader can’t be trusted to recognize a happy ending if it doesn’t involve said babies.

I liked the easily readable writing. But I grew to hate the “cowboy” and “warrior” titles. It felt really REALLY forced, frequently dropped in whenever Ballenger wanted to evoke the ascetic of a cowboy but too often not actually relevant to the scene. Here’s an example:

Her own eyes flashed to her wolf as she bared her teeth and let out a snarl of her own. She wasn’t intimidated by him in the least. “This is my fight. Not yours. Cowboy or not, you’re not leaving me standing here in you dust as you ride off into the fucking sunset. We do this together or don’t do this at all.”

The problem is that this was a scene where they’d just discovered who the villain was and he’d instructed another wolf to protect her while he went to kill the bad guy. What does that have to do with cowboy? “Pack-leader or not” would have fit the context, “Alpha wolf or not” would have made sense, even “Husband or not” would have matched the scene. But cowboy didn’t. I can’t even make the reference to riding into the sunset bring it into relevance.

And this happened over and over again, “cowboy” being dropped in to remind the reader that Maverick is apparently a cowboy (as if the constant readjusting of Stetsons or mention of cowboy boots or ranch-work wasn’t enough). And maybe it wasn’t, since what Maverick was was a werewolf pack-leader who owned a ranch. Giving him the cowboy title too and trying to make it dominant felt like Ballenger was sticking a name-tag to his chest and kept instructing the reader to look at it instead of the actual character development. What it felt like was that Ballenger had a note to remind herself to drop the word in every 25 pages or so to make the title of the book relevant. Similarly, Maverick’s random use of “warrior” to address Sierra lost meaning after a while.

All in all, the mixed feelings on this book drops it right in the middle of liked and disliked for me. This was the first Ballenger book I’ve read (which means I’ve not read the rest of this series, despite this being a 4th book). I think I’ll give her another change, gather a little more data before I decide how I feel about her books in general.

fierce cowboy wolf cover

Other Reviews:

Fierce Cowboy Wolf (Seven Range Shifters)by Kait Ballenger-review

Review: Fierce Cowboy Wolf by Kait Ballenger

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Book Review: Defiled, by Ann Denton

I accepted a review copy of Ann Denton‘s Defiled through Love Books Tours. It is the second book in The Feral Princess series and I reviewed book one, Defiant, last month. You can find that review here. The book was also featured over at Sadie’s Spotlight.

Defiled - Ebook Cover - Final (2)


When Black tries to force a ring onto my finger, I bolt.
I escape the pack leader’s clutches with Jonah, my best friend with benefits…who has become so much more.
But then my body betrays me. My stupid wolf shifter hormones send me spiraling into my first heat only hours after I flee.
Desire blazes through my veins until it’s so wild and fierce that it takes over my reality.
It makes me hallucinate while I’m with Jonah and wish for things I don’t want.
Like Black.


Elena was stolen from me.
No one steals from the Lobo pack, and no one ever steals from me.
I’m going to hunt down whoever took her and punish them until they can’t even scream for mercy.
The moon goddess better hide her face because I’m about to show the shifters who stole Elena that my soul can be as dark as my name.


She picked me.
The most perfect woman in the world chose me.
I should be on cloud nine, but instead, I’m terrified.
How the hell am I going to protect her with furious shifters from two different packs hunting us down?

my review

My feelings are pretty middle of the road about this book. Most importantly, by the time I reached the end, I was re-invested and interested in finding out what happens in book three. So, obviously, I didn’t hate the whole thing. But there was a large chunk of the middle in which I simply wanted to stop reading the book entirely. I hated Black. I’m still not a fan, if I’m honest.

Yes, he’s an anti-hero that isn’t supposed to be overly-likeable. But part of the fantasy that make dub-con readable for me is that the imposed upon party secretly wants or enjoys what is happening. That’s what makes it dubious and not straight out coercion and/or rape, in my opinion. But here we had three people, two of which legitimately thought they were going to be killed by the third, even as they had sex. There was no joy, secret or otherwise, in it for me. Black was just cruel and even the author’s attempt to make him broken, instead of villainous didn’t fully redeem him for me. I couldn’t find anything to appreciate in the angry, “I don’t want her to enjoy it” sex they had and I thought the turn around from enemies to not was too abrupt. I really needed there to be a conversation between the parties. So much of the drama is based on assumptions and miscommunications and I feel like the author is just skimming past it, instead of addressing it. But it is a scene I really want to read.

Having said all that. I still adored Jonah. He’s the lubricant that makes everything work. I liked that Elena loves him so fiercely and that Black is also being forced to appreciate and accept him. I still find the writing easily readable and look forward to reading book three, if in a somewhat baffled at myself sort of way.

defiled photo

Other Reviews:

Books a Plenty Book Reviews

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Book Review: Defiant, by Ann Denton

I accepted a review copy of Ann Denton‘s Defiant (The Feral Princess, #1) through Love Book Tours. It also promoed on Sadie’s Spotlight.

Defiant by ann denton cover

In shifter life, what’s more important? Your human mind? Or your wolf’s?


When my wolf appears for the first time, I’m so overjoyed that I don’t think, I just run into the forest…and smack into Black Maddox, the leader of my pack. Only…he doesn’t believe that I’m what I say I am. He insists that I’m part of a rival pack and locks me up in his basement.
Black’s twice my age, insanely powerful, and has a streak of darkness running through him a mile wide and an ocean deep.
He’s exactly the type of man that I always swore I’d stay far away from. I should stick with Jonah, the beta I know and trust, the man who’ll give me everything I ask for.
But what if there are things I didn’t know I ever wanted before? Things I don’t know how to ask for?
The shadow Black casts drenches me, his depravity soaking into my skin.
He’s going to destroy me if I don’t escape him.


I discover pretty little Elena helpless in disputed territory.
At first, I want to crack her open, this wide-eyed temptation who derails me. I want to shatter her and those who sent her into tiny pieces. I will not be manipulated or deceived by her false innocence.
That’s what I tell myself. But even as I say it aloud, my obsession grows and the spell she weaves leaves my wolf and I both panting.
But once I realize Elena’s a special type of shifter, the rarest of the rare, and the most precious of them all… I don’t want to crush her. I want to chain and keep her. I want to make her beg for mercy, but not because she’s broken.
Because she’s mine.
I want her desperate and aching for me in ways she’s never been before.
My wolf and I will claim her, mark her, marry her and keep her.
Only one thing’s stopping me.
The entire shifter world wants her too.

my review

Let me be clear from the start that I didn’t dislike this book. The writing is crisp, there’s some great humor, some likeable characters (some, not all of them), it plays with power dynamics, and has an interesting plot. Plus, look at that gorgeous cover! But the book did bump up against my personal “ick” tolerances. And it’s gonna take a little picking it apart to avoid sounding like I’m complaining that this Dubious Consent Erotic Novel has dub-con in it. That’s not my issue. I chose to read the book knowing that.

While true dub-con is something that only ever really exists in fiction,* it is safe to say people accept, read, and even enjoy aspects of it in a book that would be considered heinous and problematic in real life. It works because of the established, if largely unspoken, compact between the author and the reader that the heroine (in this case) is actually safe, nothing outside bounds will happen, and it’s possible to hold both the position of wanting and not wanting something in a way that isn’t allowed in the real world. So, my complaint isn’t about the dubious consent or even that Black is such an anti-hero as to almost not qualify for the hero label at all. (Though, having sex with someone who is asleep does kinda push my boundaries a little. And was questionable behavior for the character, considering how many times he’d emphasized not wanting to force her into sex because she’d hate him afterwards. Ummm, isn’t that the same thing?)

It’s simply that I really struggle when love, passion, lust—whatever you want to call it—is based on WHAT a person is instead of WHO a person is. In this case, Elena is an omega and all alpha wolves want an one. They want IT (an omega), not HER (Elena). And I realize this is often the case in Omegaverse books, but that doesn’t make it any more appealing to me.

Similarly, Black says to himself that he likes his women in their twenties. Again, it’s a WHAT, not a WHO. Elena, as a person, is irrelevant. She’s wholly replaceable. (What happens when she is in her forties, will she be replaced by the next bright young twenty-year-old?) Such scenarios are like sand under my skin, irritating my attempt to immerse myself in a sex scene, or believe a burgeoning relationship, etc. I can roll with the punches of dubious-consent—explore those power dynamics or questions of powerlessness, etc—and still enjoy it.

I have a harder time accepting women gleefully being treated as objects and being expected to find it sexy. Sure, like with dub-con, I could say it’s exploring societies’ treatment of women, or the gendering of power, etc. I’m not saying I should always be able to read dubious consent for feminist content (though certainly exploring those themes could be), but the WHAT versus WHO question is one of my person limits. Though everyone will have their own. I can see and respect that the WHAT versus WHO issue has a place in literature. I just have a hard time reading it personally. It’s just one of my discomforts as an individual.

The book is not unaware of its own use of this trope. At one point, Black acknowledges, “If you had any other kind of pussy…” referring to what marks her as important and at another, Jonah questions, “How can I leave her here with Black, knowing that she’ll only ever be seen as a thing, not a person?” It’s this fact that allowed me to decide to continue the series. I’m hoping some of this will fall away; that this is the author giving Black room for personal growth and he will eventually see her as a person, as Jonah does.

Well, that’s not the only thing. I loved Jonah. I know Black is supposed to be the dark, dangerous, star of the show here, but Jonah stole it for me. I adore him.

All in all, an interesting (if not perfect for me) read. I’m looking forward to seeing how things work out. I’d hate to see anyone go into this without knowing what they’re in for, but as long as you dive in with your eyes wide open all should be well.

*I accept that there might be situations in which consenting parties agree to contracts or simply enter into scenarios in which the idea of consent is allowed to be flexible—playing out rape fantasies, etc. A lot of discussion could happen around this. But for the purposes of my point, I’ll just say that in such cases the limits of consent are established and agreed to by both (all) parties, therefore it’s not truly dubious in the same manner as in dubious consent plots like Defiant‘s.

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Other Reviews:

defiant tour dates