Tag Archives: lgbtq

Book Review of Claire Cray’s Hidden Talents series (#1-7)

I downloaded the Hidden Talents series, by Claire Cray, from the Amazon freebie list. (Well, I paid $0.99 for the seventh, but the first six were free.)

Description from Goodreads:
Talents: Born with physical and psychic abilities beyond human understanding, these flawed forces of nature burn desperate paths through their own shadowy world ruled by sex, power, and madness.

Hidden Talents

The book started stronger than it finished. It began with one predominate POV and then, about half way through, added new POVs into the mix. This was both jarring and, I think, weakened the story, as the reader had no real connection to those characters yet.

This was exacerbated by the narrator’s tendency to casually throw in information that the reader hadn’t yet been given. For example, at one point Jin had twice asked another character for his name and been given a fake one in response. Then in the next paragraph that character was referred to by his true name. I was confused on two fronts, who was this new character suddenly introduced and then, once I figured out that it was the same character Jin was asking for a name, I was left wondering when Jin figured it out. This sort of thing happened more than once. I understand that Jin is a telepath and he’s likely supposed to have read this information from the person’s mind, but the reader isn’t and it’s confusing.

Late in the novella the plot also started to expand and the reader was given a lot of history that felt very baseless and confusing. I felt as if I had missed a first book somewhere. Then it just randomly ended. I can’t even call it a cliffhanger as there is no single event left uncompleted. It really just felt like I had read the first few chapters of a book and then set it aside for the night.

Where it ended felt completely random. As the author has written at least seven novellas in the series, I cannot for the life of me figure out why it was broken up so and not just a novel. If it wasn’t permafree I’d call it a scam to make more money and I’d be really P.O.ed if I’d paid for something that felt so halfhearted.

Having said all that, the writing is good. Jin has a pleasantly sarcastic voice and personality (even if he does skate the edge of too irreverent to believe). Sky and Ken have an interesting history and I like that the author isn’t afraid to allow trauma to have happened to children. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want any child to have to suffer, but a lot of authors are afraid to go there and it’s unrealistic. Children who grow up in abusive environments get abused. Pretending otherwise (even by virtue of refusing to cast an author’s eye in that direction) is a weakness in my opinion.

I’m not sure what I think of the Mike/Dylan/Jen portion of the story, however. I think that’s where things started falling apart for me. It felt tacked on and the reader is just told this, this and this happened in the past. Meh.

All in all, I’m looking forward to the next instalment and I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I could see the series going either way, either getting really good or spiralling into such a weakly supported tangle as to become unreadable.

Minus TideReview:
I think this one was actually an improvement on the first. It was more consistent. I enjoyed getting to know some of the characters more; Jin continued sarcasm and the Sky/Ken drama. Plus, Mark and Jin’s night together was hot. Again, like the first volume, I have no idea why the book ended where it did or even why this is a series of novellas instead of a single book. It’s very obviously a single story. I anticipate feeling the same way at the end of each novella.

Look SharpReview:
I think the series is getting better as it goes along…or maybe I’ve just gotten to roughly the middle of the “book” this series of novellas obviously should have been. You know how a book often picks up in the middle, once you’ve met all the characters and the plot is established enough to progress without needing to interrupt itself with explanations? Yep, that’s where the story is at this point.

I am finding that I would like a little more world-building. I’m confused about characters’ ability to die and come back. How does that work? What about the bodies? Plus, if people so readily come back from the dead, why is everyone mourning Luke’s death? Similarly, I am befuddled about people’s ages. Everyone seems to be in their mid-twenties or younger, but a couple have been together (like, together-together) for 8-9 years. Jin is 22, Ken is younger while Mark and Lip are older. The rest I don’t know about and I don’t know how much older or younger those characters are than Jin. So, I don’t know how to visualise them. I am still enjoying the story, however.

OK, I’m going to stop reviewing these individually. This is patently one single story and trying to review each volume is starting to feel like I’ve stopped every 10 or so chapters to write a partial review. It’s becoming ridiculous.

I’ve now read up to book seven. Luckily, in the Note From the Author, at the end of Get Higher, she mentioned “two more books.” So, at least I now know how much more to expect. I know I’ve harped on about it, but the fact that this story is broken up into (apparently) 9 separate volumes is one of only two real complaints with ‘the series.’ The second is how much history is glossed over, considering how important it is to the events of the book’s present. This sadly includes a lot of the character development and worldbuilding. The reader really is left to just kind of catch up where they can as the events unwind.

I like those characters we get to know. (We don’t get to know all of them, even when they play a significant role in things.) Jackson’s decidedly Machiavellian plan is starting to come to fruition and it’s interesting. The sex is often hot. I especially liked the way Jin all but worships Ken.

Pending the next two books come out soon enough that I even still remember that I read the first seven, I’ll be finishing the series out. (Will probably still be grumbling about the serialisation though.) I’ve enjoyed the sarcasm and the narrative voice a lot. The writing and editing is pretty good (especially for freebies) and I like the gritty feel of it all.

Finding Release

Book Review of Finding Release (Wild R Farm, #1), by Silvia Violet

Finding ReleaseI bought a copy of Silvia Violet‘s Finding Release.

Description from Goodreads:
Coleman Wilder is a half-breed werewolf. Some days the tension between his human side and his werewolf instincts threaten to tear him apart. But the challenge of running a horse farm as a gay man in a conservative Tennessee town keeps him focused until he meets horse shifter, Jonah Marks.

Jonah’s family insists that shifting is sinful, but Jonah longs to let his stallion run free. Desperate to escape his family’s judgment, he asks Cole, his secret crush, for a job. Cole turns him down, scared his desire for Jonah will make him lose control. When Jonah’s brother threatens his life, Cole struggles to save him and give them both a second chance at the life they’ve always wanted.

I love me some m/m shifters. I do. I was even intrigued by the idea of a horse shifter (though I did wonder were all that extra mass would come from). But the truth is that this book just didn’t live up to its potential.

Scroll up. Read the book’s description. Add in some serious insta-lust/love and a lot of inappropriately timed and out of nowhere sex, then read the description 50 more times. There, you’ve just read the book. It’s so repetitive that I can’t think of anything not in the description that was added in the ~200 of the story. It was just the same arguments, internal thoughts and mushy, lovey-dovey drivel over and over and over again. It was also incredibly predictable and all the challenges were overcome easily.

The writing itself was fine, but there was no world-building, no character development, no shades of grey to those characters, no growth of a relationship, no depth to the plot, no twists, no turns, no unexpected events, no finesse in the story, and no doubt from page 1 that everyone would have their awkwardly arranged, anything but naturally occurring happy ending. No, this one was not a winner for me.

Grown Men

Book Review of Grown Men (Hard Cell, #1), by Damon Suede

I feel I should give readers of a more sensitive nature a warning that the short story I review at the end of this post is a little on the strange side and if you follow the link provided you’re likely to encounter some unexpected nudity. Just go in knowing that so no one is caught unawares. 🙂 I’m keeping things brief tonight, two short reviews for two shortish stories.

Grown MenI bought a copy of Damon Suede‘s Grown Men.

Description from Goodreads:
Marooned in the galactic backwaters of the HardCell company, colonist Runt struggles to eke out an existence on a newly-terraformed tropical planetoid. Since his clone-wife died on entry, he’s been doing the work of two on his failing protein farm. Overworked and undersized, Runt’s dwindling hope of earning corporate citizenship has turned to fear of violent “retirement.”

When an overdue crate of provisions crashes on his beach, Runt searches frantically for a replacement wife among the tools and food. Instead he gets Ox, a mute hulk who seems more like a corporate assassin than a simple offworld farmer.

Shackwacky and near-starving, Runt has no choice but to work with his silent partner despite his mounting paranoia and the unsettling appeal of Ox’s genetically altered pheromones. Ox plays the part of the gentle giant well, but Runt’s still not convinced he hasn’t arrived with murder in mind.

Between brutal desire and the seeds of a relationship, Runt’s fears and Ox’s inhuman past collide on a fertile world where hope and love just might have room to grow.

I thought that this was surprisingly sweet. Ox is this gentle giant that you can’t help but adore and Runt shows an amazing ability to trust and eventually love. (Though he does seem to do a lot of things “without thinking.”) Plus, the whole thing is set in a wonderfully vivid world with clear imagery made possible by sharp writing.

I was in love with this book for about the first 2/3s. The whole thing fell apart for me in the, frankly, strange sex scene. I knew it was coming. The whole latter half of the book built up to it and I knew, being as Ox is SO much bigger than Runt, something out of the ordinary was going to have to transpire. And I’ll even grant that it was hot in its own way, but it also didn’t particularly rock my boat. Oh well. I’ll forgive it that one flaw and call it much better than expected.

Seedy Business

Seedy Business is a free short story that chronicles the events leading up to Ox’s arrival on Runt’s farm.

Description from Goodreads:
Revenge can get sticky.

This prequel to Grown Men* is a crazy sci-fi short about sperm piracy and sibling rivalry gone seriously wrong.

When corporate mercenary Beirn agrees to a sleazy organ harvest job, he walks straight into his worst nightmare, a trap set by the twin brother he betrayed. Against his better judgment, Beirn teams up with a semen smuggler to save his own skin and hopefully make amends to the only family he has left.

Loathing turns to lust as the two men grapple with their violent impulses and their growing desire. In one terrible night, impossible feelings will force Beirn to understand the brother he betrayed and the mistakes he’s made.

Warning: doublecrosses, dirty sex, and designer testicles

That was…well…interesting. It’s about semen a pirate and a mercenary who happens to have sold his brother’s gonads. That should tell you something about the story. Actually that should tell you a lot about the story, maybe even everything you need to know about it. It’s just this side of gross, the sex is very similar to that in Grown Men, the MC has a whiplash change of heart (though he’s supposed to have had an epiphany as a result of his brother’s lesson) and the whole thing is just a little bit squinky. But if you’re in the mood for a little bizarro sex romp, the writing really is very good, so this one might fit the bill.