Tag Archives: Matthew Erman


Book Review: Bonding, by Matthew Erman & Emily Pearson

I accepted a review copy of Bonding by Matthew Erman and Emily Pearson (Illustrator) through Rockstar Book Tours. It was also over on Sadie’s Spotlight. You can hop over there for a sample page and a chance to win a copy for yourself.

A man, a woman—and their parasites. Marcus has been alone since the loss of his closest friend and has just recently entered into the dating scene, while Laura has drifted in and out of relationships since high school. They meet, they have a great first date, and Marcus almost dies—because the slug-like parasite that everybody carries in this world nearly rejects him, its host.

my review

I liked this well enough, but like the blurb, it leaves a lot to be desired. There is just something important missing.

I liked the art a lot, and I liked the story and characters in the most general sense. But I thought there were large narrative leaps, missing emotional connections, and the whole thing felt erratic and unfocused.

This was especially true in the generational transition between part one and part two. While I liked the characters more here—appreciated how they mellowed and settled with age—it was an abrupt and unexpected shift. While I appreciated the theme that we all struggle to find ourselves in similar ways, I felt the story was half-told.

All in all, I’ll call it a petty, middle-of-the-road read.

bonding photo

Other Reviews:

Elsquared – Bonding

Insatiable Readers – Bonding



Book Review: Witchblood, by Matthew Erman

I accepted a copy of Witchblood for review. The graphic novel was also featured over on Sadie’s Spotlight. So, you can hop over there for the tour schedule and for information on the author Matthew Erman, artist Lisa Sterle, colorist Gab Contreras, and letterers Jim Campbell and Andworld.
witchblood cover

A modern, Wild West road trip about a witch named Yonna cruising the Southwest as a band of bloodthirsty biker vampires, The Hounds of Love, hunt her scattered coven for the source of all magic: witch blood. From the critically acclaimed creators of The Modern Witch Tarot Deck and Long Lost comes Witchblood, a blend of action, lore, and Americana—perfect for fans of Buffy and American Gods.

my review

I liked the art a lot. And, while I know it’s an itty-bitty little thing, I cannot tell you how much I loved that Yonna had armpit hair! I liked some of the way the world is changed. Women in the confessionals and Mother Superiors giving orders, for example. It also blends humor and horror, with a punk-ish dystopian Wild West vibe. If I say it felt super Tank Girl-like, will I be showing my age too much? Actually, now that I’ve said that, Lori Petty would make a great Yonna, IMO.

But the whole things sags on story. I wouldn’t say I disliked it. But I wasn’t blown away by it for a few reasons. For one, the pacing is off. It meanders through the first half and then rushes through the second, where arguably the more important action happens.

But the real issue for me is that here you have a story full of powerful women— a female deity, all of her female witch descendants, some female hex hunters, and a female vampire with important knowledge. But the story hinges on a man. The vampire with knowledge doesn’t use it herself. Noooo, she gives it to a man. And he becomes the cliched villain while she clings wordlessly to his back through out the story. Where this graphic novel had an open opportunity to do something interesting, it instead trod the dull, well-worn path. It just felt cheap and unoriginal.

All in all, I’d call this a middle of the road read. I merely enjoyed the graphic part more than the novel part.

Other Reviews:

Blog Tour, Review, and Giveaway: Witchblood by Matthew Erman and Lisa Sterle


Lifestyle Of Me: Witchblood