This is a page of extras, which is what I’ve decided to call all non-book review posts. When I started this blog, it took a little while to settle into a book review blog. So, there are several non-book-related posts floating around with nowhere to land. Plus, sometimes, I just go ahead and have myself a little rant about whatever is on my mind. You can usually find these tagged Up For Discussion or Blogger Rant. Sometimes, I post an update on life or find a fun blog challenge to participate in (I’ve collected the Initial Challenge Posts and the Wrap-Ups here), etc. These are often tagged Personal. Really, the point is that these could be anything not a book review.
Regardless, they had no home, so I built them this page. Some might be of interest. Some are no longer relevant, but I’ve left them for posterity’s sake. Some are about The Weeping Empress, which I now consider a cringey learning experience. It could be anything. If I wrote it and posted it on the blog, but it’s not a book review, you will find it here.
It’s my 11-year Blog-iversary, apparently
I am not interested in reviewing books written by men.
#ReadForMaui: A Read for Maui Read-A-thon
Once again, authors, don’t be this guy.
Mothman Reading Challenge
Zero Reviews Challenge.
Unpopular Opinion: I Never Read Excerpts, Sample Chapters, Previews, Etc
Looking for Recommendations
Don’t be this guy.
I have big news on the personal front.
How I find tons of LEGAL free ebooks (without returning a single one)
A thought on sexual assault in books…or the internet made me do it.
Describe your characters to me. Don’t compare them to actors.
Please put flat covers on digital box sets, a reader’s request.
How do you read so fast?
Closing out 2021 and looking forward to 2022
Why, as a book reviewer, I hate the phrase “book as payment for a review” and other sundry thoughts
Hey look, I got interviewed
Wasting time…or playing with my book reviews
A Month In Pictures
Taking A Moment To Check Myself
Why *I* Review Books
Bitchy Reviewer Being Bitchy…Again
Good-bye 2020, Hello 2021
Unless I’ve said otherwise, I don’t want your book.
Book Review Alphabet Challenge
Thoughts on deleting 3,000+ more e-books
How is social distancing going?
Closing out 2019 and looking into 2020
Why haven’t I been reading VS. Why I deleted 400ish books
Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019
In defense of reviews that say, “I don’t generally read this genre, but…”
Closing out 2017
My 2017 Christmas book tree!
New Little Free Library box
B*tchy Blogger being B*tchy
What’s with all the blue aliens?
Here’s what 2017 looks like for me.
Reflecting on 2016 and the books I read
I’m doing NaNoWriMo again.
Review: The Bookish Box
I think the universe is trying to tell me something.
Little Free Library design competition, hosted by Space
A housekeeping note
An example of how to make a reviewer NOT want to read your book
A mystery!
Why can’t book one mean book one anymore?
11 Things I Learned About Being a Bookworm by Living With a ‘Not-a-Reader’
I’m just gonna say it, “I hate prequels and serials.”
Don’t mind me. I’m just having a strop.
Moving forward for 2016
Wrapping up 2015
Getting ready for NaNoWriMo 2015
What do I do with these maybe-plagiarized books?
In which I planned to pimp Queer Romance Month but performed a self-examination instead
How to piss off a book blogger, part III
I love my local library consortium!
Impressed with Amazon’s customer service
A small book promotion(ish) opportunity available to anyone interested
Totally petty, personal book-irritant of the day
Just a (not so) humble brag
Addressing a past transgression and why I’ll forgive a new indie author a review swap or two
Craziness on the Interwebz
That is not an apology, Raani York
Reblog: Authors Supporting Our Troops #ASOT2015
Looking forward to 2015 and reading challenges
Looking back and wrapping up 2014
#WeAreSTL (We Are St. Louis)
NaNoWriMo update…I won!
Once again, how to piss off your book blogger
I’m doing NaNoWriMo this month, wanna join me?
Indie authors of the world, please stop doing this!
a cautionary tale AND i was wrong, so I owe someone an apology
Bad reviews are important…nay, essential to the Indie author/publisher
Up for discussion: Short Story vs. Novella vs. Novellette, vs Novel
Best of 2013 and moving on to 2014
Tips for submitting Ebooks to bloggers for review
How to Piss off a Book Blogger: Treat Them Like an Employee
The Unfortunate Importance of Honey Traps
Up for discussion: writing reviews of books you dislike that are also outside your preferred genres
Up for discussion: How I choose a free KDP book…or not.
Being lendable matters to me
Ok, so here’s an update on life
Map of the UK made from Indie Book covers, too cool!
Up for discussion: Is there a ‘you get what you pay for’ attitude to free books?
Some quick announcements
Enter to win or grab it free
A 5 step plan to clear my shelves
Smashwords is having a BIG sale & The Weeping Empress is FREE!
Confession of a Bookaholic is having a birthday bash!
Up for Discussion: Do you know your star ratings?
Did you know that Networked Blogs has a follow limit?
Surprised at my own nonchalance
Interview with Ann Haines and review of her novel Brunswick
5 New International Book Giveaways
Winners chosen in Graham Parke’s launch party giveaway
I am the Special Feature on bookr3vi3ws this month + INT giveaway
Changes to the TBR and review policy
Interview with, author, L. S. Fayne + excerpt
Have you checked out Back To the Books yet? You should!
Guest post and launch party from Graham Parke of Unspent Time fame
Need a new book to read? Check out these giveaways.
Have You Heard of Operation E-Book Drop?
Andela sits down to chat with Laurie
Olwen from The Weeping Empress spends some time with Katelina from Shades of Gray
Wonderful write up from Pocketful of Books
Interview with Helen Smith, author of Alison Wonderland + Review
My time spent with Starry Night
New Interview With Ann Haines
I have been nominated for the Sunshine Blog Award
A New 5 star review for the Weeping Empress
The Weeping Empress and the London Book Fair
Author Spotlight M. J. Webb
Sadie’s Top 10 Tips For Mechanical Edits
How do you write?
Crazy Crazy Northern Weather
New to the TBR list
The Weeping Empress is FREE to download on Goodreads
It was a good week for Goodreads first-read books.
Spring is officially here!
Combustible Sinners just topped the TBR list
Good writing practice
The Undermining of Dual Identity by Identity Threat
Where to win a copy of THE WEEPING EMPRESS
Interview with Andy Rane from Same Six Questsion
Where to win a copy of THE WEEPING EMPRESS
The Wonders of Vitamin D
So I’m joining the blogging revolution.
Shelfari get to know you questions